41 | The Calm Before A Storm

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"If you had the nerve to tease me, you should've kissed me."

God heavens, you yourself don't know you could say something so daring and bold in order to see his Ray's turns into a bright crimson and his breath hitched.

Regardless of the sheer afterwards embarrassment, at least you managed to get him like a shot.

You make sure the distance is maintained just enough between you and Ray then you see his adam's apple bobbed up as he gulps.

"Is it supposed to mean that you don't want to do it anymore?" asked Ray.

"Yep." You answered before you can think of it twice, or this set up to tease him will be scrapped.

He is within your reach, the two of you in this dim room with the room is locked, and you disregarded it at fist but now you find the atmosphere here is a lot more dangerous than you'd thought. It's tough to hold yourself back when your hand to block his lips is the only restraint for both him and yourself but your determination to win whatever is going on between you and Ray is also as hard as a stone.

And you will avail everything you have to take an utterly vulnerable reaction out of him.

Ray's eyes staring straight to you, never blink even for a second as you see how darker his orbs has been turned than before you kissed him.

It's as if his eyes are telling some adores with something darker mixed in it, something that is dangerously enchanting.

Can you turn it even more dangerous though? There's only one way to find out.

You lower your hands until the tip of your fingers are lifting his chin while you move your other hand to graze over his shirt, up till you slowly grab his shoulder. The tempting smirk is still on your face as you asked him, "Do you want me to kiss you?"

Ray's eyes are staring on your lips then turning back to meet your eyes. "If I say yes, will you content?"

No. Not yet.

Ray needs half a second to recollect his mind when you suddenly pull him into a hug. Sure your hug is nice and all, but cuddling isn't what he hungers for at the moment.

He turns his head to your side, attempting to ask why the sudden changed of vibe but abruptly stopped when you kiss the exposed skin over his shirt's collar.

Ray literally stiffen like a statue for a second from the unpredicted contact.

You don't stop nonetheless. The kiss lasts for a few more second then you trail kisses up his neck to the spot below his ear.

"There you go. You want me to kiss you, right?" Your whispered, breathy and low on purpose, which completely agitated a new fire in Ray's mind.

He wraps his hands around your waist and bring you closer while the other hand on the back of your head, encouraging you to continue.

After he tilt his head to give you more access, you give his neck a few more kisses before you step up your game. You never did it but you've read those novels enough to unintentionally memorize how the book describes this.

You kiss the sweet spot behind his ears, longer than the rest and then gives it a suck while your other hand is messaging the back of his neck. Then at the last, you nip the sensitive skin.


It instantly draws a gasp from him, both out of shock and a completely new gratification arise in him.

"Are you done surprising me tonight?" Ray murmured under his breath.

"I guess ... not yet."

"Seriously though, where does this gut come from? I've never seen you like this." Ray bite the inside of his lower lips after he said this.

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