25 | The Passage

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Your team has been in Evighet for three days and so your investigation has been going. He told you the place closed shortly after the news about Lord Geelan's followers disappeared without trance had broken out to public. However, years ago someone said the owner decided to open it again. Alvie doesn't know if it's truly does because he never visit his hometown ever again after he went to attend an academy in a bigger city.

As the day come to a closure, the street is becoming quite along with stores and restaurants are closing their door and curtains. The 'open' sign is turned back to 'close' on every side of the doors. Officers then light the oil lantern in every pole so the street is not fall to a pitch of darkness.

Just like the others, the owner of the bar also comes out from the building after he turned off all the lanterns. He picks a key from his pocket and lock the door afterwards. For a forethought, he checks the door by try to pull the handle and make sure the door is successfully locked. He then walks down the street to pick up his horse that he left on an renter before he comes to work, as usual.

The street is dark despite has the lantern to help it. A little lantern can't cover such a big range, after all, and the government doesn't interested to build another lantern pole even though the villagers have been complaining for months now.

Because of his tall figure combined and the lanterns fail to help his sight, he is crashing quite hard against a girl who rums from the opposite way.

The girl's figure is petite so she fell a bit too hard on her knees and being pushed quite far.

He quickly approach the girl and kneels. He asked, "I'm so sorry. Are you alright?"

Before he can grab the girl's arm, she raises her hand which covered behind her long sleeves, signaling him that she is okay.

"Yes. I'm sorry I failed to see you, Sir." said the girl. She then tried to get up but stumbled a bit. Fortunately, he can catch her upper hands near her shoulders. Her small hands are hanging on both sides beside his body.

The girl doesn't make any sound as he helps her to stand straight on her feet.

"Can you walk?" asked him, clearly worried.

The girl tries to stomp her feet to make sure she is alright. "I think I can. Thank you for your help, sir. I have to go now, my mom will be looking for me. Once again I'm sorry Sir."

"No problem."

She then walks slowly at first and when she thinks she is able to run, she runs lightly and gets faster later on. When she turns left to a small street—like a crack between two tall buildings, there are five person waiting for her with face hidden behind demon masks.

"Do you get it?" asked Norman.

You pull out a key you stole from the owner just two minutes ago when you bumped to him.

"Good. You alright?"

"You seriously asked me that?"

He only chuckles. You are practically as strong as a bull.

"Let's get started."

Your team begin on Norman's cue. Norman leads the group while you're taking care of the rear. You soon arrive at the bar Alvie told you.

The boy in his robe steps in first to test the water after he unlocked the door. Zazie is backing him up right behind him while you are keep watching for anything suspicious from your group's tail.

Norman walks around the bar first and takes a glance at the insides. Nothing is suspicious or there's somebody threatening hiding in the dark, the place is safe. He gives a clue so the group enter the room and you being the one enter last, close the door and locked it from inside.

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