31 | The Meeting

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Considering how secluded the shelter is, there's almost nothing helpful to distinguish between the day and night except for the temperature. Then one day someone said that it's better to turn off majority of the lamp on the streets when night has fallen to better save the energy for the shelter. Because of that, at least night still looks like a night with no blinding lights except for a few poles along the street.

There's no way a moonlight can get through here, you know that as well. However, seeing the light from the pole right at the center of the fountain strongly reminds you of one. Particularly because the soft light is more of a cold tone just like how a moonlight is. It shows the glow in his dark green eye, his elegant pointed nose, then his lips which corner is slightly being pulled upwards with his eyes staring down at you, towering you.

He is beautiful. Breathtakingly beautiful that makes this hidden egoistic side of you begging him to not being this close to anyone other than you.

But that damned sly smirk, the one which is irritating but somehow still a breathtaking view from your perspective, slam you right into a realization.

He is tricking you.

"What are you doing?" Finally you managed to speak.

"Sniffing the vanilla smell, of course." Ray sniffs your hair in his hand once more. "This is truly pleasant. Haven't you sniff it closely?"

As if he is only aware of his action just now, he then gives you one apologetic smile that is totally more like satisfying grin. "Oh, I'm sorry. You must be surprised ...." He added words too for the cherry on top. "Or ... were you hoping for something else, perhaps?"

"N—No—I was ... I thought ..." You stopped your words.

You want to dig your head deep inside a hole right now so that Ray can't see how even redder your face has become. The high tension in the air for you is so thick you wish you could run away before your mouth goes beyond control and voice the scream behind your back of your throat, asking where's the kiss you are wishing for.

And because you are impossibly embarrassed at the moment.

So you think of whatever could save you. You pull the hair he has kissed twice back then you take a few step backwards, giving some space and air for your suffocated face. You said, "It's quite late, I think I'll go inside first."

Doesn't stop until there, Ray still choose to chuckle and ask, "Are you okay? You face is so red—"

"Don't, don't say that. I am completely fine. Good night!" You quickly brush him off and run hastily back to your house.

Successfully escape from the heart throbbing ride, you close the door silently then lean almost all of your weight into it. In one heavy sigh, your tense body could finally back to its relax state again except for the strong beat from your left side of the chest. You bring your hand over it, you can feel how your heart is throbbing far too fast and hard from usual.

When you remember of what has happened there, you bring your other hand to slap your right blushing cheek lightly. There are too much sensation fleeing here and there despite the very short time you had spent.

Excitement, nervousness, it was indeed felt how riding a roller coaster is described on those books.

You remember you have made more closer and touchy things with him before. Hugging, sleeping under the same blanket together, holding hands, those touchy stuff that was the source of your first ever feeling butterflies in your stomach.

But what happened just now, it was completely different. Even though he ended up only teasing you, the sensation for the short time before is like you stepped your feet to a whole new aloof area. He isn't being so clingy or touchy, Ray was just simply standing close to you, caressing your face—he had done it multiple times before, and staring right to your eyes.

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