21 | The Call

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Note: (H/C) stands for Your Hair Color.


A few weeks have passed and slowly but surely you are all starting to adapt to the new shelter. Barbara and Cislo are recovering so fast from the trauma's after effect and occasionally lend their hands for anything they can help. They know some simple cooks since they are also from another premium farm like you and Norman.

Because of this you, Cislo, and Barbara are in charge of teaching and taking care of the children while Norman and Vincent are studying the shelter and searching for any useful information regarding demons and the world. There's a huge library which covers a whole three-tiered building near the plaza. You hope they can find a journal or a kind of report made by William Minerva and his followers. Except for the legend about The Promise and Ratri's clan history, you don't have any idea about your enemies.

Norman accidentally learnt that demons are variative according to what are they eating. The discussion about it leads to a hypothesis that demons can eat another food other than human's meat because the harvest are taking a long time and not producing that much product they can consume. You have another question in mind.

So why they're going to such a great lengths to make a human farm? Why they are so eager to produce a cattle that can fight back, take a lot of resources and time, when they can farm animal instead?

"Why the demons are obsessed to eat human? And what would happen if they don't eat one?" asked Norman a few days ago. The answers are laid in a tablet he got from Medical Center.

Demons are bound to regenerate if they don't eat human. The smarter the brain, the smarter the demon could be. That's the purpose of premium farm's educational program, to improve their intelligence. Not all demons have the intelligence like ones you've met in the farm or in Lambda, most of them are wild and live far from the society like wild animals. They can be less or more dangerous based on the circumstances.

Thing are getting tougher and complicated. Your were intending to find the rest of your family as soon as you escape Lambda but now you grasp the real obstacle you have, you don't really sure what step you should take, what the first thing you should do. There's no use to think this alone other than cause your head another headache. You better wait for a plan Norman has prepared.

Speak of the devil, just as you thought of him, you heard Cislo's voice from downstairs. "Oh, Boss! Did you find something in the library?"

You go downstairs and join them in the living room. Norman is sitting at a single couch, Barbara, Cislo and Vincent are in a conjoined couch in the middle, you take place at one single couch across Norman's. A series of thick medical books are piling up at a table in front of you.

You look at Vincent who is sitting at the nearest of it. As if he understand your attention, he said, "I'll try to study medic. It will be a huge help if we have a kind of doctor."

"Ah ... You're right." You are nodding.

"Now that everyone are gathering, I will tell you what I and Vincent have found." Norman started.

Just as you are all thought, the demons have their own society. A solid society like how human was.

Norman explained that this world's continents are ruled by Queen Legravalima, underneath her are the nobles who held the most influence in human farming. Just like how a monarchy works, they have constitutions, manpower which are soldiers, a whole government and their system. It's so similar to the ones you've learnt in human history hundreds years ago.

Majority of society and activities are taking place in the capital, where The Queen's castle settled. It's the center of lives and innovation. It was said in the books that the society in capital is living in an elegance and far more developed than other village across the continent.

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