36 | The Other Side

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Note: this is a Ray focused chapter


"Here you go," said Anna while she is securely wrapping the bandage around Emma's elbow.

She cleans up the rest of things back to the first aid kit box after everything is done. As she let the concern finally kicks in her mind, Anna scolded, "You said you fell of the stairs?"

Emma's uninjured hand is scratching the back of her head and she tilts her head to the right as she answered, "Ehehehe ... I guess I was reckless. I'm sorry."

"Very." Anna emphasized. "Make sure to be more careful of your body, Emma. I'm worried about you sometimes."

The younger girl's hair is swinging when she turns her body 180 degree to Ray who is leaning against a wall behind the two girls. "Ray too."

The boy replies with a nod then Anna picks up the med box, excusing herself to put the box back to its place.

The door then slide close and with Anna's departure, the uncomfortable air is surrounding the other two again.

"I—" Emma bits her cracked lips, unsure of where she should start talking. "I was pushing Y/N too hard, wasn't I?"

Ray sees how Emma's fist on the edge of the infirmary bed becomes firmer. She must've very guilty for what was happened in Norman's office earlier, thinking it was her fault. While technically it was, that also wasn't entirely her fault. Besides, Ray was the one who brought you into the corner first.

"It wasn't fully your fault. We didn't know she and Norman would be like that," said Ray.

None of them ever meant to hit the sore spot in you or to hurt you on purpose. It's just that they don't know your current state or do you have any sickness. Moreover Emma who has never yet laid her hands on any physiological book. Emma must've thought that you were in a strong denial with yourself and she thinks it's the best for you to more fathom of your heart desire. She has never imagine someone like you to indulge yourself in such contradictory and she has no clue the depth of your reaction.


The children from Grace Field and Goldy Pond have been living together for a long time in a small shelter. With how large their number is and how tiny the shelter is, it's not a rare occasion that some people are involved in fight or in need of private time for some while. They've used to have those people and know how to give them the required space for the troubled people while without accidentally make their bad mood even more worse. They've had a wide range list of how bad someone could throw a fit, from the easiest to deal with or simply turning into complete asshole.

However, there are also some people who have never shown any kind of foul mood. Either they are really incarnation of angel or they covered it by a flawless act, no one really knows. Surprisingly as it sound, Emma and Ray are parts of those people.

Emma is just too bubbly and cheerful while Ray has let some grunts here and there but never serious foul expressions.

But as if a storm suddenly comes unannounced, Ray was looking like an insomniac old man who could kill with just his sharp glare since yesterday—almost exactly like calm version of Yuugo at their first meeting.

For an example, rather than of being yelling when the children were messing up with him like usual with a little pranks, he didn't complain about anything.

That's right, it's the problem. He is supposed to be a grumpy and nagging older brother by now. Instead, he picked his book, and went straight to the library.

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