30 | The Night

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A very long chapter ahead, enjoy your ride 😉



One can have one most exciting day of their life and then it turns to be the most unlucky day the day after. It's not that he is cursed to have a bad luck or the world want to drag him down the lowest he could be to crush his life and he is left alone to fix his tons of problem alone.

Now it sounds too extreme for your liking.

The point is, having a bad day after you enjoyed your time so much yesterday is not completely impossible. Not that you wished for it, but it could happen. At the end of the day, if today is started with a foul mood, then an argument that came from nowhere, looking for some certain person and ended up they could avoid you on purpose, the only 'okay' event that happened today is only when you were training—

—you don't have a choice other than breathing out.

At the moment you don't have anything to do after you ate your dinner with a few kids on your own building. The longer your mind has nothing to do, you would somehow ponder on why today felt so empty compared to yesterday. You would slap your self, mentally, to stop the things yet it would come back a few moments later.

Being the diligent person Isabella had taught you before, you decide to pour your energy and mind for preparing the plan instead. Lost in thoughts won't bring you anywhere after all but preparing the plan is.

So you reach for the map that was laid inside your drawer. First, you estimate how long does it take from the shelter to the Lord Geelan's hide out. Then you calculate how many supplies do you, Norman, and Zazie would need on the way. Listing the numbers on a piece of paper, you bite your lips as you are checking if your calculations are correct.

"This would do," you mumbled.

Right when you put the paper down and was about to think the routes for your attack, someone knocked your bedroom door.

You put down the pen you attached to your ear earlier and you shout, "Who is it?"

"It's Emma! And Anna, and Gilda. There are Violet, Sonya and Gillian too," answered Emma behind the door.

It's the girls.

As you open the door, you wondered what brought them to you this late.

The girls are in their pajamas and either holding a blanket or a pillow or both.  You asked, "Hello ... Do you need something?"

"Hmm ... Do you remember when I was younger, I said that I wanted to do a sleepover when we were adopted?" asked Emma.

You won't remember it if Emma didn't mention it just now. "Oh, I just remember it."

You look over to their belongings once again and a different idea showed up in your head after what Emma had said. "Are you guys ... "

Emma excitedly screamed, "Because we are quite old enough now and you have one large bed room for yourself, how about we hold a girls night! Sleepovers just for the girls!"

"It's going to be fun!"

"And we also got permission to use the television from the lounge."

"I bring some romance movies too. Since no boys could whine about it."

Now that Gillian, Emma, and Sonya mentioned it, you see the little square object on a tray behind their figures with some cassette.

Unlike the other excited girls, Gilda—actually also excited—bent her head down a bit and asked in a shy tone, "We are sorry we didn't ask for your permission before. The idea appeared out of the sudden and before we could rethink about it, we already packed everything here."

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