24 | The Girl

726 35 11

1 February 2048

Since your team has started expedition to explore and learn the wider world, there are usually two types of expedition. One is when you're exploring the wild to collect ingredients you need for the poison experiment. You also gather supplies if you came across some edible plants or animals.

Then the other type's purpose is when you're truly exploring the world. You would go to villages, observing demons closer by living along them. You wear a mask to cover your face and a long robes that entirely hid your figure to the toes. You also apply some spice to dominate your smell. It was said in the tablet that demon could spot human by their signature 'smell' even if you can't figure out what kind of smell it is when you're not sweating.

The expedition goes further as the time goes and eventually your current expedition will be hold to observing Capital. Yes, The Capital where the most intelligent demons live, nobles residing and so does The Queen and her army. This expedition is the most difficult you ever had and you have to carry it flawlessly.

Your team split up to two. Vincent, Zazie, Barbara and Cislo are going down to the streets and study the structures, traffics, and searching for any blind spot or path where they can't be seen by the guard. For realizing Norman's plan without disturbance, you are all need to remember the city by heart so you all can manage it well.  While they are blending in the crowds, you and Norman will search for further information regarding one demon who was belong to the nobles. Norman found his name on a history book on your previous expedition on one village near the capital.

Lord Geelan, hundreds of years ago his bloodline was part of the nobles until their ruled land was suffering through the worst starvation during that period. Lord Geelan was said to be very fond of his demons and asked for a help from The Queen. However, her help wasn't enough so he stole two months worth of livestocks from an exclusive barn and distributed it to the whole district. He then got caught and The Queen gave him punishment to be thrown into banishment. She let his entire clan and his right hands or his most loyal followers regenerated into wild demons at West Forest.

What's interesting is, there's a rumor someone from his loyal followers who were also regenerated was spotted in one remote village. It was said that maybe Lord Geelan and his demon followers somehow able to get his hand on one of the freed human in the forest and got back their humanoid form. There was also a saying that they planned to take revenge to The Queen because of the unfair punishment. The gossip has been going for a month on every villages you went. Those villagers are that scared they even close their store earlier before the sun set.

"If this is true, and just if, we can make a deal with him, maybe we can get his clan as our ace card," said Norman.

The Lord and his demons are the perfect puzzle piece to Norman's mega plan, a demon power combined with human's brain. With their help, Norman can make sure no one on the your side will get hurt. Not even a scratch, if things go smooth as a silk. So you are searching for further information since the library in capital, supposedly, have many more useful books rather than the ones you read on the village.

While the two of you are going to your separate ways, you found some books which has connection to the banished Lord. The words in these books is different from your mother tongue since it was obviously written in demon language. To your advantage, Norman has learnt it during his days in Lambda by listening their everyday conversation. You don't really understand how is it possible, but he managed to do it somehow without anyone to teach him. People who was born genius is on totally different level, you guess and then he taught it to you so you can make out at least the gist of the sentences.

"Hello there."

You flinch when someone with a baritone voice, which clearly isn't Norman, is greeting you from your front. Behind your mask, you mentally slap yourself to not keep your cool before answer to a much taller demon across your seat.

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