17 | The Rabbit

738 46 42

27 February 2046

You're jolted awake in one of the nights with cold sweat over your body. The blanket was long abandoned after you kicked it in your sleep and so does your sleep.

Dream is a luxury for your escape from the hollow feelings you daily feel in Lambda. It's always felt nice and made you forgot about reality even for short period of time and you will often forget about it in the next morning.

But the dream just now is something you wish you don't remember.

You dreamt of the raven-haired boy, he was caught by the chaser from farm and ended up in this place too with your other siblings. The demons also brought Emma's corpse, they tear her body right in front of your eyes until you can't recognize her anymore then sharing her body parts among them. Later, it was your turn to be slaughtered because you can't keep up with the test anymore.

They brought a mirror into your view and you saw the reflection of your distorted body, the result of taking too much chemicals, you were a failed subject.

The last thing you saw is how swollen the skin over your new mark and when a demon dug his claw right to your heart before you're awakened because of the shock.

You identify your surroundings, even though you're completely alone in this room your senses are very sensitive over a slow blow of wind.

Wait a minute.

How can wind enters your secluded room? The door into bathroom is also closed.

Norman's words from the other day comes back to your mind.

"I'm started seeing and hearing things ... They are often creeping in my dreams, killing you, Emma, and everyone."

Is the drug finally taking a toll on you?


You turn to the voice, but nothing is there.

"I know your little plan." Another growl in a low voice.

"Who's there?"

"You'll never succeed, you poor little thing."

The voices are coming from every where, echoed in your ears and messing up your mind. You close your ears with both your hands and bring the blanket up until it fully covers you whole.

"You know why? Because you're weak. You thought you've improved but deep down that confidence, you know you can't do nothing."

Your attempt to muffled the voices is up to no avail. Those voices are still disturbing you with mocking you with laughs.

You tried to dominate them by singing the lullaby out loud, doesn't matter if your voice are shaking. You imagine the night Ray comforted you when you couldn't fall asleep, how shooting his voices was and how warm his hands were on your hands.

But then you gasp when you feel, or rather, be delirious of someone enters the blanket.

Who you saw is a reflection of yourself. She lied in the bed facing your way with the same clothes you had back at Grace Field.

With a vacant look in her eyes she said, "Look, you can do nothing except cling onto Ray, Norman, and Emma... How pathetic."

There is a rustle as you quickly flip the blanket only to see the reflection is already disappeared. The voices are also gone along with her.

You just saw things ... and hearing things ... Is your mind broken now? You're in verge of your disposal? The plan is in one month, you can't be gone before that.

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