7 | The Trust

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Days ago...

"Welcome, Y/N."

Sister Krone opened her door and welcomed you warmly with a smiley face.

You would appreciate it more, if she didn't do it for her hidden intention.

You entered the room and Sister locked the door to avoid any possible intervention. There was a plushy toy in your hands.

"About the deal you told me before, what exactly do you mean Momma is not as kind as I thought?" you asked her.

"I'm sure you figured it out yourself already like the bright child you are."

"Still ... I need to make sure if we are thinking the same thing."

"The harvest you have seen that night, or you heard from someone else, is arranged by Isabella. This place is sucks, isn't it? And this cursed system, which takes your siblings lives' away to be eaten by demons and Isabella is the one who sent them to their death but smiling as if she loves you deeply as her child.

"I knew you were going to escape, Isabella knows you and your little number of friends found out this secret. But I'm different from her, in fact, I resent her too. So let's join hand and work this out together."

She bent down to your height. The cunningness of her words displayed too in her face, it sent a horror creeping in to you. The room suddenly felt smaller, darker, and your sight is forced to centered towards her.

"Show me your evidence," your voice was trembling.

"Of her ill doings? I can't, but I can show you something else."

Sister Krone unbuttoned a few of her uniform and exposed the number on her neck and a nasty scars at her toned skin below her collar to you. The sight of it made your blood run cold.

"I was also a cattle children like you, we are all the same. For female cattle children with perfect scores and about getting shipped at the age of twelve, they have two choices: killed immediately or being a caretaker."

After a short revealing, she buttoned up her uniform again. "Is it enough?"

"Huh?" Sister Krone took a step back.

Your face right now is as pale as a corpse, eyes blank in terror, lips trembling and you hug your plush too hard until some stitches of the arm broke.

It was as if it was the first time you heard this.

"I ... honestly I thought you would say we are going to be enslaved, but we will be... a food?" you smiled ironically, still proceeding everything. And when you're done, your stare are turning lifeless.

No, it was impossible, Sister Krone had analyzed your behavior and you seemed to one of the children Isabella had said.

Or had she been wrong?

"My sibling who got adopted ... are all dead?" you dropped your toy and grope the number of your neck, unconsciously scratced it.


"Momma ... No, Momma loves us. SShe said we are her precious children."

You fell down on the floor in tears. Then dizziness was roaming in your head. As you felt the sob was getting louder, you tried to muffle it with your hands. Soon it felt as if the gravitation is centered towards you, pushed you to bent down until your hair covered your face.

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