33 | The Tea Time

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Sitting uncomfortably as if there are bugs in their seat, awkwardness in the air along with intense glare from people he never met more than once or twice—even it was just him catch their glimpse from afar.

This is not what Ray and Emma expected when they made up their mind to confront the plan to Norman and you.

"You're the escapees, huh?" said Barbara.

Emma hesitated at first but she nods nevertheless while trying to keep her composure. The three members of your team in front of them surely are intimidating, even to the de facto leader.

Suddenly the man with, ahem, interesting cross walk in his hair commented rather aggressively, "We are also escapees, ya know?! And our escape was MUUUUUCH cooler! We had explosion!"

"Ex—explosion? I see..." answered Emma, not exactly knowing how to react over his statement or with the whole situation bestowed upon them.

She and Ray had decided to visit Norman's office this morning, unexpectedly they meet his comrades instead. They said that Norman, you, and Zazie, the big guy, are currently on an important mission outside the shelter. However, before Emma thought to visit another time, the three of them were trapping both her and Ray in this 'tea party'.

For a fair point, there are tea for real. Ray has been sipping little by little while Emma has completely abandoned hers since your comrades were bragging about themselves.

She looks to her side, hoping for Ray to help making the conversation becoming more conventional. During the constant heavy tension in the air is relieved a little for her when Ray finally puts down his cup.

But never did she think he would go along with them. "Nah, you guys are more amazing. Incredible even. There's no way we could have done that, braaaavo!"

There's a pretense in his tone, Emma noted. But still, it managed to show the smugness put of their face. Maybe she's the only one noticed because she has seen how Ray would sound when he isn't giving a genuine compliment.

Thankfully Vincent in the sofa behind those two finally speaks up, "Cilso, Barbara, please mind your behavior before our guests." He then sigh a bit. "I'm sorry, they are really like the boss and after they learnt that you are his childhood friends, they are getting more nervous."

"We—We are not nervous!"

Ray lowers his cup, which already he picked up right after he uttered those empty compliments, to look at each of them. Those two boys are having their clothes closed covering their neck and collar region but the girl wears a simple sleeveless. He noticed she also has the same Lambda mark as Norman near her exposed collar, they must be come from the site too. Input that one detail into a rumination, they are also able to act like this in their boss room when he isn't present, with that much confidence and them hanging out with Vincent who is in charge of the med bay, Ray comes to a conclusion they are not coming from the mass production farm. Their ranks here probably on the higher tier. It's best to not be on their bad side.

Then Emma politely meddles in. "Excuse me, thank you so much for the other day. For treating Chris and Dominic."

"Ah..." Vincent puts down his book. "The boss let me know about that. I wish the best for them."

"Thanks!" Emma feels lighter as the conversation is getting into a comfortable for her. Thanks to this guy, Vincent is Norman's right hand after you after all.

Just as she thinks the flow will be getting better, suddenly Barbara takes a place on her right and kind of squeezing her, pushing her shoulders bumping to Ray's on her left. There's this vexed aura surrounding her friend which cause her a worry, she wonders if any of them feel it too.

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