Louis Mother! (Dun, Dun, DUNNNN!!)

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"So Henry, how did you and Ella become acquainted? Did Louis introduce the two of you?" 

"No, I-I was at grandfathers house and well I didn't know at the time that it was their house. They came home with.." I shoot Henry a look and slightly shake my head. "with one of Jax's little friends Alan." The three came in and then she heard that the TV was on. She had the boys stay at the door and she checked it out. Luckily it was only me, I told her who I was and why I was there. She got the two little boys to bed and then we sat down and we talked." Henry looks to me smirks then looks back to his parents.

"So you two were alone? In the house. A damsel in distress? And the brother of her supposed ex? A girl who kept a child away from its father. Hmfp!"

"Mother!" Henry stood up and exclaimed.

"Henry you sit back down! You have no right to speak to me like that!" Mrs. Kiloton raises her voice.

"Oh, but mother I do. Why do you think that happened? Huh? For one she is my brothers girlfriend! For two I just met her! For three why do you think Louis and I both left here as soon as we could! Huh? It wasn't dad. It wasn't Kalyn. It was because of you mother! You and you thinking that you are better than everyone else. You aren't!! Make sure that your shit is clean before you go and judge other people. Got it? Now, Alex is a great mother! She is a better mother than you ever were. I can see what Louis saw in her. She is amazing with the little kids. You have no idea. Maybe you should actually try and be a mother to Kalyn and then maybe she'll be the child not to run off. The only reason I'm here is because of what happened to Louis and the fact he's gone. Okay? Not for you. I'm here to help my little sister get through this. Also to help dad. I'm here because he was my twin brother and at one point him and I were so close we were inseparable. None of the fact of me being here has to do with you. You may have given birth to me, you may have 'helped' raised me, but to me you are nothing. Alex has only been a mother for almost four years and is a better mother than you. You've been a mother for twenty-five years you should know by now how to raise kids, but obviously you don't. So you know what before you go and and criticize other people make sure your life is in line." Mrs. Kiloton gasp and Mr. Kiloton doesn't really looked fazed. Kalyn looks happy that her brother had said that, but I'm not quite sure.

"Fine if you feel that way then leave. And take her with you." Henry was about to say something, but it was my time to speak. I stand up next to him.

"Not to be rude, but you do realize that I have the power to keep you away from your grandson right? That precious little boy that has done nothing. Louis's son. Well let me tell you this, you better realize this quick I am here to stay whether you like it or not. You don't know what it's been like keeping Jax away from Louis. Then the two met each other. The two connect instantly. Anyone could tell Jax was his son even without a DNA test. Then having his father ripped away from him. Did you not see how that was for that little boy? Did you not see how Jax was that night? Did you?!"

"Ella that's enough.." Henry tries to stop me.

"No, no it's not! She need to understand the world doesn't revolve around her. Your daughter Kalyn hasn't met Jax. Wouldn't you like her to meet him? Wouldn't you like her to be an aunt? What about Mr. Kiloton? Shouldn't he be a grandfather to Jax? Huh? And you wouldn't you like to know you own grandson? In the short amount of time Louis got with Jax he loved Jax. He always had. Always will. I wish things would have been different."

"You kept Louis from his own son! You should be ashamed of yourself! I'm not the one in the wrong!" Mrs. Kiloton yells while standing up.

"Oh, but do you know why I kept Jax from Louis? Huh? Do you?! Kalyn does! Henry does! Nikki does! I do! My brother knows what happened! The court knows what happened! They could never pin the charge on him, but they sure in hell knew! Even Tim knows! Does your husband know? Huh?" Mr. Kiloton slightly nods a yes. "See even he knows! Maybe you do know, but you avoid the fact he did do it!"

"What did he do that made you keep his only son away from him?!"

"Louis raped me when I was the age of nineteen." I say in a calm voice.

"You slut! I don't believe you! It's a good thing my son was never charged with such an accusation!"

"Mother!" Henry and Kalyn say at the say time their father says. "Kathrine!" 

"What? I'm only stating the truth. Ellanor I'm going to politely ask you to leave. Now."

"You know what fine. Let me tell you this first, don't expect to see your grandson until you apologies. Also you son Louis did rape me. He himself would have admitted it to you if he was here." She slaps me and I stop talking. I move my jaw then look at her in the eye. "If I was you never try to do that again. Also watch it Kathrine. Don't expect me to be nice. I was raised different, but I will leave so I don't put you into a hospital." I turn away and walk to the door with Henry by my side.

"No you don't get to walk away from me!"

"I just did Kathrine." I open the door and we leave.

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