Love Upon Tragedy (Ella's POV)

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I wake up and it's dark. I look and see Jax laying next to me, curled up in a ball. I look to the figure in the chair and see Tim. I had a dream and these two were in it. Tim had said that he loved me. Like Tim Tebow said he loved me. Like that would ever happen. I try to get out of bed then it hits me.. I can't move my legs. I can't do simple things like going to the bathroom or anywhere on my own. I press the button for the nurse and she comes in. 

"Goodmorning Miss.." I shush her and stop stops talking. "Okay what do you need?" 

"I need to go to the bathroom." She nods and gets a wheelchair.

"Okay let's go." She locks the wheels and she tries to get me up. "Okay you're going to have to push with your arms." I push up but we still have problems. 

"Here let me help you." Tim gets up out of the chair and helps me into the wheelchair. 

"Thank you. You're lucky you have a strong man like Tim Tebow to help you."

"Yeah I'm lucky to have him as a friend.." We get to the bathroom and Tim stays in the room.

"Okay, we need to do this. One. Two. Three." I went from the chair to the toilet in one try. "Okay press this button when you are done." The nurse leaves and I can pee. 


Back in my bed Jax cuddles closer and I tuck the blankets around him. 

"Ella!" Nikki comes in the room. I shush her and see looks to Jax. Behind Nikki is Luke with balloons and flowers.

"Guys.. you didn't have to.."

"Yeah we did." Nikki hugs me. Luke brings me the flowers to look at then he sets them on the stand.

"They are beautiful, thank you." Luke kisses my head.

"Just like you sis." Jax moves and his eyes flutter open.


"I'm right here Jax-baby."


We get back to Jacksonville and then get to our house in Gainesville. Louis' house.. Tim gets my wheelchair and helps me in. We get up to the door and Jax unlocks it.

I flash back to Zach bringing me here..

"Fine." Zach gets Alan out of the back and I get Jax. We walk into the house and Henry is still on the couch. He looks over and sees us. Jax stirs and wiggles.

"Mommy." Jax whines.

"Shh baby. I'm here."

"Where's daddy?" Alan stirs and everyone looks to me.

"Jax, daddy is gone."

"When is he coming back?" This is killing me.

"He's not coming back Jax." Henry stands up and Jax looks to him.

"Daddy?" Jax says. This stabs pain in even furthur.

"That's not your daddy Jax." Henry steps closer.

"Thats daddy!" Alan is up and Jax is wiggling out of my arms. This is breaking me into pieces. Jax looks to me. "Are you trying to keep me from daddy?"

"No baby. That isn't your daddy. That is your daddys brother. Thats your uncle. His name is Henry." Jax looks to Henry.

"Is it true?" Henry looks to jax on the floor and picks him up.

"Buddy, yes it is. I am your uncle Henry. Not your daddy. Your daddy is gone." Jax looks at Henry to me.

"Mommy." He holds his hands out and I take Jax from Henry.

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