The White King Of The Gulf?

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I walked into the old hotel. I looked around and saw old hotel furniture. Arrows gave directions to where I should go. The arrows led me to the open room that was the old pool.



"Ellanor you be careful swimming! Luke keep an eye on your sister." I look to find Luke already off looking for 'babes'. I go to a chair and set my towel down and take my sandals off. I sat in the chair and started to read. 

"Excuse me is this seat taken?" A girls voice asks.

"No it's not." I say putting my book down.

"Good because there is a guy and he's being a creep over there. I needed a girl to keep me company." She points to Luke and I burst out laughing.

"My name is Ellanor, call me Ella. That is my brother. He is an idiot." I stick out my hand.

"My name is Nikki. It's nice to meet you." She smiles and she shakes my hand. 


That's how Nikki and I became friends. She lived on the other side of Jacksonville, but then my school closed. 

"Ellanor, Ellanor, oh sweet Ellanor. Welcome to my sweet abode." A guy comes up behind me.

"You're one of the guys from that night! You drugged Louis! Why?! What did he ever do?! What did he do to you?"

"Well that's the thing. He took you."

"What is it with everyone and wanting me?! There is nothing special about me! I'm just a normal girl! Why me?!" The guy steps closer.

"Oh but you're not just normal Ellanor, you are more than normal. You are very, very special." He touches my cheek.

"Don't touch me!" I hiss. "Why am I special? Why am I so important to you?"

"You dear are mine."

"Ha.. Why would I ever be yours?"

"Well of course you would like to see your brother and Nikki alive don't you?" 

"Yes, but.."

"No, but beautiful. You either give yourself to me or they die. Simple as can be. Really. Simple." He brushes another piece of hair out of my face.

"At least tell me why you really want me before I agree. Please. And who you are."

"My name is Zach. I want you. You are a trophy. Really you are. Men mostly just want beauty. But I want the whole package. Beauty, smarts, talent, outstanding, great cook, etc."

"You want a trophy wife?"

"I don't want to marry anyone."

"What about Louis?"

"He was my son's father."

"And this guy?" He says pointing to the door. I look back and I see Tim. I try to go over there but Zach stops me. 

"Zach." Tim mumbles under his breathe. 

"You know him?" I look between the two.

"That's Elisa's husband. Alan's dad. Zach."

"Wait we left my son with his wife. The guy that plotted the whole thing to kill his father and.. and kidnapped my brother and my best friend!"

"I didn't know. I'm sorry."

"Right.. anyways. Your son is fine. She's not in on this and anyways Jax wouldn't get hurt. I wouldn't hurt him."

"Oh but you'd hurt Louis?" I turn around and realize I'm still in his arms. I shove at him and stumble back onto the floor.

"Where are Nikki and Luke?" I stand up.

"They are away right now."

"You said that I had to give myself up and I get them back. Let Tim go along with them. Let Nikki, Luke, and Tim all go none of them getting hurt and I'll give myself to you."

"Ella you can't do that." Tim says from the doorway. He struggles trying to get away from the two guys.

"Awe now look at that. The attention seeking Jesus lover is sticking up for you."

"Zach, stop. He doesn't seek attention and so what he loves Jesus. So do I. I already said I'd go with you, but what about Jax?" 

"Elisa took Alan and Jax to where I told her. She is there with them and is waiting. We will raise the two boys, together."

"Wait, I can't do that to Elisa. I may not know her, but I'm not taking her son away from her. Especially not raise him as mine. No."

"You aren't the one taking him. Elisa and I are already divorced. Nobody has been told. We fought for him. I got Alan. Proved her an unfit mother."

"How is she an unfit mother?"

"She just is." Zach scoffs. "As I said she's there and we'll be taking the boys and we'll be moving to where ever you want." I sigh. 

"As long as Nikki, Luke, and Tim stay safe."

"They will."

"Ella please. Don't do this.."

"If I don't he will kill them and I don't know what he will do to you. Tim please you have to understand." I walk over to him. "Thank you for ever thing. Really. I appreciate it. All of it. I do. I did. Thank you. But Please I need to do this. Get them to safety. Jax and I will be fine. Please just make sure they are fine Tim."

"Ella you can't give yourself and Jax up for us." Tim still tries to talk me out of it. I sigh and I look up into his eyes. 

"Tim please. You don't even really know me. Please. Do this for them. Save them. You have known them longer and if they say anything, especially Luke, tell him that I'm fine. It was my decision. You can't change my mind. Luke my have not protected me always, but he is my brother and I love him. I'd die for him. Nikki, she's like a sister. I've known her for a long time and well she's been there and I'd die for her too. Please let me protect you and them. Please." 


"Don't Tim." I hugged him and went over to Zach. "Let the three go safely and then we can go." Zach smiles and looks to Tim. 

"Sorry to take your girl man. But honestly she was mine first." I roll my eyes.

"I said let them go then we leave. I'm making sure they are safe before we leave."

"Ha, smart girl. After we leave you let him go then let the other two go." The guys holding Tim back nod and Zach grabs my arm. Tim struggles to get free.

"Ella please don't do this." I try to ignore him. "Please I promised to protect you." I stopped.

"Tim it's not your fault. You couldn't stop this. I have to protect my brother, Nikki, and you. I have too." I continue to walk with Zach. We go to a car and Zach has me get in. He gets in. 

"You said I can watch them leave safely leave."

"You are. From here." I look over and spot Tim's car. A few minutes later I see three people walking out of the hotel. They look around and then Luke punches Tim. Nikki stops him from doing it again. They stand there for a while then they get into Tim's car and slowly drive away.

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