The First Dinner With Tim

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"Ella are you okay?" Luke asks when Tim and the others leave.

"I will be fine." I sigh sitting down and Luke heads back to the kitchen.

"When is Nikki coming back with Jax?" I ask him.

"My shift is over at five so she will bring him here."

"Are you two staying at my house?"

"We can. I was planning on going home."

"Okay. You go on home. Text Nikki and have her bring Jax here so I can see my favorite nephew. Then head on home and spend time with him. " He gives me this sympathetic look.

"Thanks Luke, and by the way he is your only nephew I hope he is your favorite. " Luke chuckles and I grab my phone to text Nikki.

About ten minutes later Nikki arrives with Jax in her arms. She walks through the door and Jax eyes light up like normal. Nikki sets Jax down and Jax run to me and I pick him up.

"Mommy! I missed you! Aunt Nikki didn't let us come today!" Jax exclaims.

"I know it's okay Jax mommy is okay and I love you lots. Uncle Luke wants to see you."

"Uncle Luke! Uncle Luke! Uncle Luke!" I set him down and he runs around the counter and stops at the door that goes to the kitchen.

That's my boy.

"Uncle Luke!" Jax says. Luke looks up from looking at something on the computer.

"Jax my boy!" He goes to the door and picks up Jax and hugs him. "So you and your mommy are going to spend time together today. "

"You're letting her off early?" Jax looks happy and shocked. Ouch that had to hurt a little.

"Yes. You two should spend more time together. So today I'm letting your mommy off early. Now you two can go home and play together the rest of the night!" Jax wriggles out of Luke's arms and run to me.

"Mommy is it true? Are we going home and playing?"

"Yes it's true Jax. We can go right now and we can go play the rest of the night."

"Yeah! Come on mommy we can build a city of Legos or have races!!" Jax pulls on my arm and Nikki, Luke, and I all laugh.

"Bye guys. Thanks Luke! See you tomorrow!"

"No you won't! Take the day off sis! Love you!"

"Love you too Luke!" I walk out of the Lata Granda and to my car. I strap Jax into his car seat and I get into the front. "Ready to get home buddy?"

"Yes!" Jax starts to kick his feet against the backseat. We drive through Jacksonville to the outskirts of town. The opposite side of which I grew up on. We get to the house and I pull into the garage and park. I get out and get Jax out. He runs to the door and tries to get it open.

"Jax.. it's locked like normal." Jax sighs and steps back so I can unlock the door. As soon as the door is open Jax is out of his shoes and running around the house. "Did Aunt Nikki give you a snack?"

"No." Jax races into the kitchen. He gets onto one of the chairs and sits patiently waiting for me to give him, his snack.

"Here you go Jax."

"Thank you." My son for the age of three, turning four, is intelligent. How? I don't know. Why? I don't know. He just is.

"Okay so after snacks what next? Legos? Races? What?"

" I don't know. Can we watch a cartoon?" Ugh.. cartoons..

"Sure, I'll go turn them on right now." Growing up I didn't have much cartoons, but they were a lot better than the ones on now.

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