Dinner As a Family

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We ordered the beds and payed and all that fun stuff. We left and we headed out.

"Mommy, I'm hungry."

"Can we stop some where to get something to eat?"

"Sure." We drove a little bit and Lou called and talked on the phone and drove a little longer.

"What are we doing here?" We stop in front of a restaurant that was a top quality restaurant.

"Getting food."

" Louis, we could have gone to McDonalds or something quick and cheap." Lou laughed.

"Cheap. Ha! Stop worrying." I get Jax and Lou and I both each hold one of Jax's hands.

"Louis, really, please can't we go some where else?"

"Ella, we'll be fine." He smiles and he hands the guy the keys. We head into the restaurant and get seated. We eat and well lets just say we were under dressed. It was a classy place. Expensive. Amazing food. And I don't like it. It's showing Jax that McDonalds isn't good enough.

"Louis we need to talk. Now."

"Now? At lunch? Here?"


"Okay, what do you need babe?"

"Don't call me babe. Stop spending all your money on us. Stop showing our son that money is everything. It's not. Happiness isn't giving because of money. You can't give us our happiness with money. You can't buy us with money. You can buy him with money now, but you just wait. It will come and bite you in the rear end and you won't like it Louis. Don't try it."

"I-I-I-I wasn't trying to. I just wanted you both to be as happy as you could be."

"You can't always buy happiness Louis."

"You tell him." A lady says from across the room.

"Please stay out of this Ma'am. Thank you, but this is between us."

"You're right. I am so sorry. I happened to over hear along with my friends and our husbands are off on 'business' leaving us behind. They buy us all this stuff because they think 'money buys happiness' but it doesn't. Come on ladies lets go and make a point to our men." The group of ladies stand leaving and going to the front desk and giving a card and leaving.

"Wow. Woman activist."

"I guess, but as I said Louis. Please don't try and buy us. Please. If you do buy us it with your personality not money. I'm going to the restroom. Come on Jax." I stand up and a bunch of people start to clap and whistle and I make my way to the restroom with Jax before it could got too bad


"Mommy why did Daddy look sad?"

"I don't know." I frown at my little boy. We go to the end stall and Jax goes potty and so do I. We wash our hands and I think and think and try to get out of this.

We go back to the table and people give us looks that give me a little more courage.

"Daddy why do you look upset?" Jax asks.

"Are we ready to order?" He ignores the question.

"No. Jax, Daddy just does okay." I say.

Out of all the people in the world that could have walked in the restaurant the group had to be Emma's group. Great!

"Tim! Tim! Tim!" Jax spots Tim out of the group. He slips out of his seat and runs over to Tim.

"Jax Fitzgerald! Get your butt back here." He gets to Tim and hugs his leg and Tim pries him off and hugs him.

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