Hijacked (Ella's POV)

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We were on the jet on the way home. A jet.. Why can't it be something normal? Just a commercial plane? Oh well. I still don't like that Jax is on the plane. A plane!

"Jax sit, we can't have you running around the plane. Watch tv." Tim chuckles. "What?"

"He is just a kid. Plus a boy. He's.."

"Yes I know my son is a kid." I snap.

"I'm sorry.." Tim looks so awkward.

"No, I'm sorry you've been taking care of him while I was.. away.."

"Hey it's okay. He is your kid. It's just ease up a little. We are safe."

"Are you sure about that? "

A voice goes through the jet. My instincts kick in and I grab Jax and put him in the seat and buckle him. I do the same to me. 

"Who is that?" Tim says getting up out of his seat and heading to the cockpit. 

"Tim don't." I say. He stops and looks at us.

"Yes listen to her stop pretty boy. You wouldn't be able to handle me anyways."

"Zach I don't care what you do to me. Just let Ella and Jax stay safe."

"This isn't your fight Timmy Boy!" He chuckles. I unbuckle my belt and get up.

"No it's mine Zach. Now land this jet and let Tim and Jax go."

"We've already been through this. You left me.. Remember?!"

"I know, but please. Just let them go!"

"Now, now let's not get angry."

"Why don't you come out here Zach?! Be a man and face me yourself!" I yelled at him. I look to Tim. "Take Jax to safety. Now!" 

"Jax go to the conference room and buckle the belt. Lock the door when you get there. Only open to the secret code." He nods quickly slips off his belt and goes down the 'hall' and I hear a door close as Zach comes out.

"Now Timmy remember this is her fight not yours."

"But it is mine too.."

"Tim." I harshly say. "Stay out of this." 

"Yeah listen to her."

"Leave him alone. Leave us alone. LEAVE ME ALONE! Why can't you get that through your head? "

"Oh Ella, Ella, Ella." He touches me cheek and I wince away. "Watch it boy move again and we all go down." He looks past me to Tim.

"Tim, please."

"No, he won't lay another finger on you." Tim steps up next to me.

"I wouldn't do that." Zach pulls out a box with a button. Tim stops. "Now slowly back away from Ella. Why don't you go back with Jax." He does as Zach says. He backs up but doesn't leave. I slightly turn.

"Tim, will you please go back there with Jax?" He doesn't move. "PLEASE." He listens and heads towards Jax. "Hey make sure you both are in seats." Zach puts the button in his pocket.

"Now that the goon is out of the way." He steps even closer. His hand goes to my cheek.

"Maybe we got off to a bad start.. Maybe we could do this again? Us? Like if you look at the time I was in the hospital. We were happy. Then I found out.."

"Ella you better not be playing games with.." I kiss his and shut him up. I pull back.

"Now do you believe me?" I say smirking. He kisses me back in response. He wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around his. "Just imagine. The three of us back in Iowa."

"Three?" He looks down at me.

"Yeah. You, Jax, and I. I am not loosing my son."

"The three of us. I like the sound of that." He goes back to kissing as I slide my hands back around and put them on his chest. Quickly I grab the remote out of his pocket and jump away from him.

"Did you really think I was going to live with an ass like you! You not only set it up long ago for Louis to rape me, but you kill him and then rape me.. What a dick move." He steps closer. "I wouldn't do that VP rancher. Ha! Take my son and put him in harm's way?! Right! Over my dead body." Zach steps closer. 

"I really suggest you don't."

"Or what you press the button and blow the plane up like I planned on go for it. I just want one last kiss." He leans in and I back away and press the button.

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