New House, New Life

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Ella's POV

Zach finishes the tour and I try not to think about the fact that there is only one bed and I will have to share the bed with him.

"So.. what do you think?"

"Oh, what I think of the house?"


"Oh, it's okay, I guess." I shrug.

"You guess."

"Yeah, I guess." I try to avoid looking at him.

"Okay, well I need to help take care of the horses. Would you like to help?" He looked down to me.

"No, I'm fine." He nods and goes out the door leaving me alone. He goes out to the barn and a few men come and circle around him. They go into the barn and disappear.

I look around and quickly get bored. I open the door and go to the horses. Not the barn, the horses. The first horse I see catches my eye. It is black and white, black with white patches. I go up to the fence and the horses look to me. I step up on the bottom bar. The horse come up closer to me. I clucked trying to get the horse to come over. Nothing. A few other horses came up to me. I tried one more time, but more horses came, just not the one I wanted. I started to pet the horses that were at the fence. Then a horse nudged its way through and neighed. The black and white horse had come up to me! I go to pet the horse slow letting it smell and get use to me. It brushed its nose against my hand and I began to pet it.

"Wow, you're lucky." A voice says and the horse leaves.

"Look what you did! You scared the horse away!"

"That horse is my horse. His name is Altan. He is a Mustang. We found him about a month ago." Altan the horse looks to us.

"A mustang? He doesn't act like a mustang. He came to me. He was so tame."

"As I said you are lucky. We got him a month ago.. You got him to come into a group of mostly tame horses. And he let you pet him."

"Fine, whatever. What do you mean by mostly tame?" I look over at Zach.

"Some of them are Mustangs. So we are trying to tame them. They are not completely tamed yet. So if Altan sets off in one of his "Mustang" moods then the other Mustangs might go off, therefore causing other horses to react."

"Okay well you could have told me that before."

"When? I never had the chance to tell you. We got here and then I had to help with the chores." He crosses his arms and puts them over the top bar. I step to the side away from him and just try to watch the horses.

"I'll be inside." I look to the ground and walk to the house.

I find the kitchen and go get a drink of water and the front door opens.


"Shut up Ross!" Zach says to the dog.

"You have a dog?"

"Yes, do you have a problem? Scared? Don't like them? Allergies?"

"No I just didn't know that there was a dog."

"Yes I have I dog. Why wouldn't I?" I just Go back to drinking my water and the dog comes up to me and sniffs me.

"Go away. Both of you." I look in between the dog and Zach.

"Now why would I do that? Anyways you should get use to it you'll be around me a lot. And you won't be out of my sight."

"Well stop being a creep and go with your dog." He gets closer to me and puts a hands on my cheeks. "Don't touch me." I hiss and try to move but I can't.

"Ella, you aren't going anywhere. You will be mine again. Nobody will stop me." he kissed me and I pull back and I slap him and run out the door.

"Ella! Ella get back here! Ella!" I hear Zach yelling at me. I keep running. I stop at the end of the driveway and turn and run to the left of the fence. I trip and everything around me goes black.

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