Turn for the Worse

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I walk out of the house and get into the car. Henry comes out behind me. We get to the car and then the door opens and out come Kalyn with a bag.

"What are you doing Kalyn?" Henry asks.

"I'm not staying here. I'm coming with you guys." I look to Henry and he stays calm. She can't come with us! What about Zach? Zach will kill us for bringing someone else back!

"Kalyn you can't come with us. I know she's not the best mom in the world, but really think about Dad."

"Did you and Louis think of Dad when you two left? Huh?" She comes to the vehicle and tosses her bag into the backseat.

"Kalyn. You. Aren't. Going."

"I'm going." She gets in the back of the car. Henry looks to me and shrugs.

"Henry she can't come." I whisper to him.

"Ella, what can I do? Pull her out of the car?"

"No, I don't know what to do. Do something. She can't come. Zach will flip." He shrugs and gets in the car. I get in the car after him and then he drives away.

"I'm sorry to barge in on you Ellanor. I know it must be hard. Having Henry there. Him being Louis's identical twin. And then to have his little teen aged sister barge in. I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. It's not me, or you. It's just another house guest we have. Alan, Jax's friend got scared last night so his dad came over. I don't know how well he will react to you."

"Another guy? Two guys? Two little boys? And one girl?"

"Yeah, now you. So two."

"Okay. Well hopefully he won't mind." Henry sighs.

"Ella get my phone out of my pocket." I look at Henry and don't do anything. "My front pocket. Just get it." I lean over and grab his phone out his pocket. "Okay now open it." And it came to a lock screen. "Start in the top left and go to the top right. Go through the middle to the bottom left up one over two down one." The screen opens up to messages. "Okay click back and start a new message. Type Zach in and tell him that I have to bring my sister Kalyn with us." I quickly type that and send it to him.

"Why do you have his number in your phone?"

"Because he is a business man plus I didn't know the story. We exchanged numbers last night."

"I don't care if he is a business man Henry. He will mess with you."

"Okay so why are you guys acting like this guy is so bad? Also he shouldn't have a big deal it's not his house."

"It's complicated Kalyn. It really is."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When we got to the house we parked in the garage and got out. Kalyn hurried to the house but Henry stopped her.

"Kalyn, wait for us. You haven't been here in awhile. So please be respectful."

"Sorry, I forgot." She stopped at the door and waited for us. I got to the door and opened it. No alarm. He-he thank the Lord! We went on into the living room.

"Um I'm not quite sure which room you normally stay in when you are here, but there are a couple rooms that are off limits." She nods. "Of course my room. Then the room the Alan and Zach are staying in. Although the room Jax is staying in you may go in to play with him at any time as long as it's not bedtime or nap time." Kalyn just nods. "Um you are a minor so if we drink of course you can't have any. If Henry gives you any then that is up to him. Also you will not be left in a room with Zach. If you accidentally do, or are left alone and he comes into the room leave." I say whispering the last part quietly.

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