Mission Impossible!

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I finish the note and just stare blankly at it. A knock at the door that was wide open behind me startled me and I jumped and almost ran for it.

"Hey it's just me. Is Luke here?"

"Uh.. no. H-he's gone."

"What do you mean? He was suppose to be here. He messaged me saying he was fifteen minutes ago."

"Wait fifteen minutes?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"So it must have happened in the last fifteen minutes. They can't be far. But I can't find them. Exspecially in this city." I mumbled.

"Ella? What are you talking about? Who isn't far?" I hand Tim the note and let him read it. He finishes reading and looks up. "You can't give yourself up Ella. Jax already lost Louis. He can't loose you too."

"We have to get them back though. Luke is the only thing I have left of family besides Jax. And Nikki she's my best friend and is like a sister. I can't loose her. If I give myself up then Jax has two, if I don't he has one."

"Ella, you are his mother. You are the most important person to him. Plus I promised Louis that I'd keep you and Jax safe. I will try to help you get your brother and Nikki back. I will do everything I can. I will help you. We will find them and they will come home safe, but you will not give yourself up Ella."

"I just want them safe and I don't want to loose anyone else. I can't take it. I don't even know how Jax can hold everything in. Literally. He hasn't talked much. I'm worried and I don't want him to loose anyone else either. I really don't want him to loose anyone. I don't want him to end up like me."

"Ella, you may have had a rough childhood, but you are a heck of a mother. You're an amazing writing. You turned out to be an outstanding woman. Really you have."

"I'm really not that outstanding. I'm just an average person. I'm a mother. A sister. A friend. I am me. Nobody special."

"Tell that to your writers."

"Tim.. Please can we just try and find Luke and Nikki."

"Yes. If you promise not to give yourself up."

"Fine." With that I pick Jax up and out we go to the car.

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