Staying with a "FRIEND"

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In the morning I rolled over and looked at the clock.

"Crap! It's Eight o'clock!" I grab my glasses and hurry out and am stopped at the kitchen when the smell of food hits me.

"Well goodmorning sleepy head."

"I forgot to set my alarm clock. with everything going on. I'm usually up and dressed and food cook."

"I know. Jax told me." Lou says nodding his head to Jax. I smile. Awe! my boy stuck up for me! "It's Sunday and you work too hard, so we thought you could use a day to sleep in."

"Awe thanks guys." I give Jax a kiss and I give Lou a hug.

"What no kiss for me?" I blush and I planned on giving him I kiss on the cheek, but he moved and well let's just say he is an amazing kisser and mhm.. He puts his arm around me, at the small of my back and pulls me closer.

"Eww!" Jax says. Awe my little boy. We pull apart and I lay my head on his chest. My mind goes back to that night. I pull myself away from Lou.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I sit next to Jax and Lou finishes cooking. I make Jax's plate and cut it up and stuff for him.

"Thank you daddy for cooking. Thank you for cutting mommy."

"You're welcome." We say together. I make my plate and then Lou makes his plate. We all sit together like a family and eat our breakfast.

I go get dressed and ready and come back to find Jax ready for the day. He let Lou dress him? Help him?

"We better get the boxes in the vehicles soon. We need to start driving to get to the farm soon." Right I still made a deal with the devil. I'd live with Lou to keep Jax.

"They're all in the back. I have some boxes to pack yet. Won't take too long." I look around for my cell phone but I can't find it anywhere. Crap! An of course I don't have a house phone since its only been Jax and I. I finish packing dishes, bedding, and stuff like that and we pack all of it into the vehicles.

"Here is your phone. Don't try anything. Remember Jax is with me." He hands me my phone and I look at it and shove it in my pocket.


"Yeah." We get into the vehicles and we head out. Lou gave my the address and we leave.


My phone rings and its Luke.


"Hey to you too."

"Where are you?"

"I uh.. I'm going to stay with a friend Luke. I need time away and I met her while I traveled. I'll be staying with her and her family. I'll keep in touch I promise. It's just I need my space okay. I'll be back. I just don't know when. I'll send money or something. I don't know the plan on the house yet."

"Ella, what about Jax?"

"What about him? He's with me. It's not like I'm leaving him."

"No, but Jacksonville is all he knows."

"He's almost four Luke. He will be fine."

"Do you really want the same life for your son as we had Ella? Because I know you hated moving around as a kid. Just remember that. Okay?"


"I love you and I'll talk to you later."

"I love you too Luke." I hang up the phone and continue to drive. After another hour or so driving I turn onto a road which I found out is actually is the driveway and I park in the front of the house. Once parked I get out and look at the house. It was huge! Lou pulls up behind me and I hurry over to get Jax and hug him.

"Mommy!" He smiles and hugs me back.

"Hi baby mommies here." Lou steps out of the car.

"So what do you think?"

"It's wow. When you said a farm I didn't think you meant a plantation farm. This is huge."

"This is home."


"Ancestors. This is my great great grandfathers plantation. Who pasted it to my great grandfather who pasted it to my grandfather who skipped my father and gave it to me. My father wasn't happy, but my grandfather practically raised me. I was his favourite grandson and gave everything to me when he passed away."

"Louis, just because you have money doesn't mean I like you any more. I don't care about that crude."

"Ella, sweet Ella, I know, but it gave us a better place to love and start a family. A way to start a family. I have money to start a family."

"Louis, please, understand that's not what I'm..." He kisses me.

"Please. Start our family. We've already started. Lets keep going."

"Mommy? What about Tim? I asked him to be my daddy before I met my real daddy. What do I do?"

"I don't know baby. You can have them both I think."

"He can't be Jax's dad. I won't allow it to happen. Not one bit."

"But.. daddy.." Jax looks at Lou with puppy eyes..

"I-I..I don't think it's a good idea, but if you really want to. I suppose you can."

"Yeah!" Jax smile and runs around us and everywhere.

"I told you, you wouldn't be able to say no."

"He looks like you. A lot."

"I see you in him."

"We both see each other." He smirks and we look at Jax. He holds his hand out. "Ready to start our life together?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I take his hand and we walk with Jax trailing behind.

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