Staying with me? (Tim's POV)

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Tim's POV


We get to Luke and Nikki's house and Jax runs up to us.

"Did you guys bring my mommy home? Where is mommy?"

"Jax, your mommy is going to be away for awhile.." Nikki starts.

"But I miss my mommy." He starts to cry and sits to the floor.

"Jax, buddy come on we know you miss her." Luke tries to pick him up but Jax just grunts at him and cries more. Nikki just stands there frozen and I don't know what to do. "Jax, now that is enough. We are trying our best to find her got it. Now you understand that we miss her too. Now young man stop crying and act like a big boy." Jax wipes his eyes and sniffles. He bypasses Luke and walks to the window and sits down.

I look to the small blonde boy. He will be a great man some day. I go and sit next to him at the window.

"Jax, you know sitting here will be a pain. Your mom would want you to go play and still be happy."

"But what if Mommy isn't happy?" He looks to me.

"Jax remember the day in the hospital? When your daddy went to Heaven?" Jax nods. "That day I agreed to being a father to you. Your dad wanted me to watch after you two. I didn't watch close enough after your mom. Now we are going to get her back, but you will have to trust me and them okay? Can you be strong for us?" He nods. "Jax I know this will be hard without your mom, but you have to be strong for her. She wouldn't want you to be upset or anything."

"B-but Mommy isn't here she won't know if I'm upset."

"Mommy will know. Mommies always know. Jax she may not be able to get to see you or talk to you but Mommy loves you and Mommy knows that you love her." Jax scoots over closer to me.

"Can I stay with you?" I look to him. This little boy barely knows me, but is trusting me with himself. I look to Luke and Nikki. Nikki smirks and Luke nods and sighs.

"I suppose I can let you stay with me." Jax jumps up and hugs me. "But, you have to be a big boy okay. I know it'll be hard, but you can do it." I pick him up and he wraps his arms around my neck. He doesn't let me go and I just keep holding on. "Nikki will you help Jax pack a bag so I can talk to Luke?"

"Sure." She nods and I set Jax on the ground. He goes with Nikki; leaving Luke and myself.

"What did you want to talk about?" Luke say to me.

"Luke, I hope you two don't mind that I did that."

"No, not at all. Actually we need him to keep his mind off of all of this." Luke sighs.

"Wait, you want me to keep him busy?"

"Tim would you? He's not too much to handle."

"But what about Ella? This is partially my fault. I need to help find her."

"This isn't your fault Tim. Please, just take care of Jax. That's all. Keep him away from all of this. And you try and stay away yourself. You're suppose to be a father figure to him and I don't want him to lose you too. So please just take care of him and stay in Jacksonville."

"Fine, but I will try to help as much as I can from home. Also you keep me up to speed before the news or police."

"Fine." Like smirks a little but it fades quickly. Jax starts running out to us and screams. "Jax are you ready to go with Tim?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He jumps up and down and grabs my leg. "Come on Tim!!" He screeches.

"I'm coming." I chuckle. Nikki comes out with two bags of clothes and stuff. "Is that everything?"

"I hope so. Tim take close care of him."


"Nikki, calm down Tim will take good care of Jax."

"I promise I will. He will get everything he needs and only certain things he wants." Nikki smiles and then Luke watches Jax as he runs to the door and to me and again and again.

"Bye Uncle Luke. Bye Aunt Nikki. Love you!" Jax says from the door.

"Do we not get hugs?" Jax goes over to them and gives them hugs. When they are done he goes back to the door and waits.

" Tim my nephew looks up to you. He's a great little boy. Active, living, smart, and very talented kid. Be careful and raise him well."

"I will don't you worry."

"Just don't give him everything he wants and have home cooked meals. Try and raise him to be a normal kid, Tim. Please."

"Nikki, I don't eat out much. I don't buy things unless I need them. And the living a normal life.. I can always try. I can't promise."

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