Ella's Back (Tim's POV)

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Finding Ella in Iowa was great! Finding her caused Jax to brighten up. As a kid he shouldn't have experienced that. He did and now he is getting back to normal. After the first night we get on the next flight back to Jacksonville.

"Hey, Tim. Thanks for helping out. Jax and I are now back together and I have my memory back." She looks to me.

"It's not a problem. It is my job to keep you safe. It's my obligation." I smirk and look to Jax.

"No it's not. It's my obligation to keep my son safe and I failed." I completely turn to her.

"No you didn't, if you had failed then Jax would have been take along with you. You kept him safe by getting him with Louis family in his room. He is safe. Hurt, just emotionally, but not physically."

"Oh my gosh! What about Alan? What about Henry? Kalyn? Elisa? What about.."

"Ella, calm down! Everyone is fine. Safe. Because of you." I say with a stern but gentle voice.

"What about you? White Queen of the Gulf.. You.. The people.."

"Ella, I'm fine. Luke and Nikki are fine. Everyone is fine. Stop worrying. Please, everyone is worried about you." Jax starts to wake up and he turns towards up. "Hey sleepy head."

"We-re you two fi-fighting?" He asks so softly.

"No." We say at the same time. Ella looks to me and then she takes over.

"We aren't fighting. We just had a discussion and we got a little fired up about it."

"Oh, okay." Jax goes back to playing.

"Ella, I'm sorry but I'm telling the truth. You are the one who needs protected and worried about. Not anyone else. We are fine. All of us."

"Okay, well tell me that Luke and I still own the café.." She looks like she would be killed her if not.

"Yes," I chuckle.

"Don't laugh it's not funny. That café is the world to us. It's all we have left of our birth family."

"I know I shouldn't have laughed.. Anyways we should get to the airport so we can head back soon."

"You guys can stay here for the night. There isn't a rush for you to leave. It's nice to have company. Anyways Nicole and I were playing on taking you guys out to eat." Kyle speaks up.

"That would be generous, but we really need to get back to Jacksonville. Plus we don't want a chance for Zach to get Ella again." I say looking to Jax and Ella then Kyle.

"That's understandable. Well Tim it was nice to meet you and I'm glad Ella can go home to her family."

"We are too. It was nice to meet you too, but we should get going. Thank you very much for helping Ella."

"Not a problem." With that we leave. Ella puts Jax in the car seat and we get in the front. I back out of the driveway and head into town to the small, private strip.

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