Dream Come True

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{A/N: The image above is what they look like as humans; Ignore the conversation bubble in blue}

Backstory: Y/N has been friends with the turtles for quite a while. In fact, a certain purple-clad turtle has recently developed a crush on her. What the guys don't know is that their oldest friend has a secret life that involves working at a cafe. Tonight they're about to find out what exactly qualifies as 'entertainment' for a cafe.


Y/N/N = Your Nickname

Leo: "Are you sure these disguises will work, D?"

The brothers were currently testing out Donnie's latest invention.

Donnie: *dramatic tone* "You dare doubt a genius such as I, dear brother?"

Donnie pauses for a reaction. No one says a word.

Donnie: "Nothing, really? Fine. Relax Leo, these watches will work like a charm. Now, there's a button on the side of each of our watches with different colors that match each of our masks. Press them in 3, 2, 1."

They all press the buttons on their watches, when the watches scan them and transform them into a human version of each of them.

Mikey: "Wow Donnie, you were right. These are amazing. We all look great!"

Donnie: "But of course dear Angelo. After all, they were designed by yours truly."

Donnie kept head held high with a look of pride.

April: "Are you sure you guys don't mind me tagging along?"

Raph: "Of course you can come April. It wouldn't be any fun if you weren't there to discover Y/N's secret with us."

April: "All righty then, y'all ready to go?"

Turtles: "Yeah!!"

Splinter: "Have a good time, my sons. And give Y/N my best for me."

Splinter smiled as he waved a goodbye to his sons and their friend. Splinter has always seen his sons' female friends like the daughters he never had. As the five of them walked to Y/N's work place they smiled with excitement, curious as to what Y/N does for her job.

Donnie: "This is the place."

Raph: "All right Mad Dogs, who's ready to support our friend like never before?"

All: "We are!!"

The team was ready for anything, except for what they saw as they walked through the door. There they saw Y/N on a small stage overlooking the packed cafe in a stunningly beautiful 2-piece outfit.

 There they saw Y/N on a small stage overlooking the packed cafe in a stunningly beautiful 2-piece outfit

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Y/N: "Hi, everyone."

Y/N addresses the audience, unaware that her best friends are part of that audience. The crowd gives a small round applause as well as little cheers and whistles.

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