We Belong

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{A/N: I know that in reality Taylor Swift wrote the song, but in this universe this song hadn't previously existed; In this story, Leo and Casey are in a relationship}


Y/N/N = Your Nickname

Y/L/N = Your Last Name

F/B/G = Favorite Baked Good

FAB = Foam Agent Bonding

In a house somewhere in NYC, Y/N was having the time of her life, which just so happened to involve her best friend and lifelong crush, the one and only Donatello. Y/N couldn't help but laugh at her friend's description of what had happened in the lair only mere moments ago.

Y/N: "There is no way that happened. No way, no how,  Leo wouldn't let something like that happen if there was a chance that he could get caught."

Donnie: "Y/N, I swear on my love of science, they were like slices of bread in a PB&J sandwich."

{A/N: Not like that, these stories are strictly PG}

Y/N: "Well, what were they doing messing around with your FAB spray? Doesn't Leo remember what happened when the four of you got stuck together in that thing during one of your missions?"

Donnie: "I'd be surprised if he didn't, I still have nightmares about that.-*shudders- Apparently, the can's label was facing away from their line of sight so Leo decided to mess with my stuff again. Casey intervened to stop him, and she accidentally knocked him over. So, he grabbed her to stand upright, which resulted in the both of them falling over, knocking over the spray can. So, the actuator got stuck and sprayed the FAB on them, ending in them being in their aforementioned sandwich-like state. You should've seen the looks on their faces when I walked in on them while sipping my daily coffee before releasing them from their predicament."

At that, Y/N was laughing so hard she nearly fell off of the couch in her living room, and Donnie couldn't help but join in.

Y/N: "Those two were made for each other."

Donnie: "Agreed. Anyway, enough about my brother's meddlesome actions."

Donnie turned his head towards the entrance of the lab speaking loud enough for Leo to hear him. To which, Leo called out with a cocky grin.

Leo: "Don't say it if you don't mean it, brainiac!"

Donnie: "Why don't you take your own advice, Nardo?!"

Y/N intervened, before this turned into one of the twins' infamous arguments

Y/N: "Donnie, remember what we discussed, deep breaths. Now, what is it you were going to say?"

Donnie took her advice, took a deep breath, and responded to her question.

Donnie: "Sorry about that. So, segue, what's been going on with you?"

Y/N: "Well, I've been working on a song, but I cannot quite figure out the lyrics just yet."

Donnie: "Well knowing you, I'm sure you'll figure something out. Which reminds me, April's started another bake sale."

Y/N's smile quickly changed to a forlorn look. While she was glad to have April as a friend, she couldn't help but feel jealous about how close she was with Donnie.

Y/N: "Oh, that's, interesting. Cookies again?"

Donnie: "Nope, this time she's making your all-time favorite, F/B/G."

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