Wondrous Ways

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{Requested by @David3537501; Hope this lives up to your expectations; Pronouns for reader are 'they/their/them' because the user requested that the reader be trans}

Y/N awoke from their sleep with a jolt and tried to catch their breath after the dream they just had. Once they have, they try going back to sleep with no avail. So, they walk to the window, leaving it open in case one of the turtles drops by after their patrol, and climbed up the fire escape to the roof of their apartment building.

Ever since they could remember, they came up here for a view of the city and the cool breeze that always seemed to flow by at the perfect time. It helped them calm from nightmares, anxiety, or anything else they stressed over. Tonight, it was their insecurities swarming around in their subconscious, everything they ever disliked about themself voiced aloud in their head till they finally woke up. Occasionally, the turtles, or at least one in particular, made his way into said thoughts.

But Y/N always knew, or at least hoped, that part was just in their head and not what he actually thought about them. They also depended on their happy memories with the turtles, especially Donnie, whenever they needed to keep their nerves at bay. In fact, there was one memory in particular Y/N held dear to their heart.


Not long after his visit to Hidden City's Witch Town, Leo and Donnie ended up in yet another skating competition. This one, in particular, involved one or two more crashes than usual, and Y/N was treating any scratches, cuts, etc. that Donnie had received afterwards.

Y/N: "I don't know why you let Leo get to you, D. You know Leo's all bark and no bite. What drove you to pick a fight this time?"

Donnie: "Nothing, just basic sibling rivalry. It was bound to occur sooner or later."

Me: "Uh-huh. So it has something to do with a previous fight?"

Donnie: "Not a previous one. Just one that was presumably inevitable. I'm the only one of my brothers with a non-mystic weapon. They can do all these cool, awesome, 'better' things, and all I have is a metal stick. If mystic powers can do everything I can't, what's the point of even having me on the team?"

Me: "Well, for starters, mystic powers don't have half the brains, heart, or talent for fighting that you do. And that 'metal stick' was the start of a technological minefield of possibilities for future weaponry. Also, your technology isn't what makes you important to us, it's the fact that you're always there for us when we need you. If you weren't on the team, the guys would be lost without a clue of how or what to do when the going gets tough."

Ok, so maybe this stuff was from the long list of traits for which Y/N had always admired Donnie.

Donnie: "Yeah, maybe you're right."

Me: "Maybe?"

Donnie: *chuckles* "Ok, you're definitely right. Thanks, Y/N/N."

Me: "Anytime. Just try not to call Leo out on whatever he says when he gets cocky. Deal?"

Donnie nods with a smile, the very same one that could power the city for centuries from the sheer sincerity of it alone. Plus, though he hides it well, maybe he and Y/N aren't so different after all. Maybe, just maybe, a relationship between the two could work out. But that's just wishful thinking, right?

{Present time}

So tonight, Y/N decided to use a combination of both coping mechanisms, with one other they used from time to time. As the breeze blew, they closed their eyes, took deep breaths, played the memories in their head, and let one of their favorite songs echo through the sky as they sang.

{A/N: Start video}


I've been watchin' you for some time

Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes

Burning cities and napalm skies

Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes

Your ocean eyes

No fair

You really know how to make me cry

When you gimme those ocean eyes

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Fallin' into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes

I've been walkin' through a world gone blind

Can't stop thinkin' of your diamond mind

Careful creature made friends with time

He left her lonely with a diamond mind

And those ocean eyes

No fair

You really know how to make me cry

When you gimme those ocean eyes

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Fallin' into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes

No fair

You really know how to make me cry

When you gimme those ocean eyes

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Fallin' into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes

Y/N opened their eyes with a calm smile, their nerves now fully at rest, until a voice spoke up from behind.

Donnie: "Wow."

Y/N turned to see Donnie standing at the center of the rooftop, his eyes wide with surprise and admiration.

Donnie: "You sure you're not an angel in disguise or something?"

Y/N smiled with a soft chuckle, glad that he always had a way to make their nerves wash away. Donnie walks to sit next to Y/N with a kind smile, as always.

Me: "Yeah, pretty sure. So, you liked it?"

There's a brief pause before Donnie decides to answer honestly.

Donnie: "Nope."

Y/N dons a confused look, but widens their eyes when Donnie pulls them into a longing, passionate, loving kiss.

Donnie: "I loved it. And I love you, my Angel."

Y/N's look remained shocked before melting into a lovingly grateful smile.

Me: "I love you too, my Hero."

As they shared another loving kiss, Y/N knew one thing for sure in every part of their mind and heart. No matter how hard life gets, love always has wondrous ways of making things better.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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