Won't Say It

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{A/N: I couldn't find a cover with female lead and male backup vocals, so try to bear with me on this; The image above is what Mikey drew}


Y/N/N = Your Nickname

Y/F/N = Your Full Name

Y/N was hanging out in the lair, Mikey's room to be exact, working on some of the designs she had previously outlined in her sketchbook. Mikey on the other hand, was working on something new for the graffiti wall art that decorated the walls of the room. He was also working on something in his mind, something that involved one of his brothers and his best friend, besides April.

Mikey: "So, Y/N/N, I have two questions for you. 1. How's my art look? 2. How are things?"

Y/N looked up from her sketchbook with a suspicious look at the second question. Mikey never asked 'how things were' unless he had a completely different subject in mind.

Y/N: "Well, 1. It looks great. 2. Things are fine, Michael."

Mikey: "Hey, what's with the name calling? All I asked was how things were, when I was actually trying to-"

Before Mikey could finish Y/N interjected.

Y/N: "Ah, so you were trying to verge onto a different subject. Mikey, you know you can always be straightforward with me, you're like a brother to me."

Mikey smiled warmly at that.

Mikey: "I know, and you're like a sister to me, the best one I ever had. Now, for the big question. When are you gonna tell Donnie how you really feel about him?"

Y/N nearly fell off the bed at that, since she and Mikey were so close, she had of course told him how she felt about his purple clad older brother. She was additionally worried as to how he would react to that, but to her surprise, he had welcomed her confession with open arms and high-pitched squeals of 'omigosh' excitement.

Y/N: "Well, that's an interesting question and my answer is, never in a million years."

Mikey was disappointed at her stubbornness, and you could clearly see it on his face.

Mikey: "Y/F/N, tell me you're not serious!"

Y/N: "Now who's name calling, and yes I am serious. Look M, as much as I appreciate your attempt at matchmaking, I don't even know if he feels the same way. Besides, it's pretty obvious that he feels that way about April. I mean, have you seen the two of them together? They're like the hero version of Bonnie and Clyde. Therefore, I just won't say it."

Mikey: "That's funny, I was gonna say the same thing about you and Donnie. But, if you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to someone with a more professional opinion."

Mikey then gave her a sly smirk, a smirk she new all too well.

Y/N: "Oh brother, don't tell me you mean-"

Before she could finish, Mikey ran out of the room and back again in less than 2 seconds. He had returned in a sweater vest and glasses.

 He had returned in a sweater vest and glasses

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