Shot in the Dark

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(A/N: I know that in reality this remix was created by Emma Heesters, but in this universe the song hadn't previously existed)


Y/N/N = Your Nickname

Y/F/N = Your Full Name

Y/L/N = Your Last Name

Leo: "Y/N, you and I are best friends, right?"

No response.

Leo: "We've grown up together, trained together, played video games together, skated together. Heck, we've even fought together on the rare occasion where your service has been required. All in all, the time we spend together is preciously valued by yours truly. So why is it that, in this particular moment, your eyes haven't left that pen and paper you've been writing on for the past-"

He checked the watch Donnie gave him for their last birthday.

Leo: "10 minutes. Don't tell me after 7 years of friendship, you've finally found me, dare I say it, disinteresting? Or does this have to do with the 'trial run' date with April Donnie left for 12 minutes ago?"

The girl finally lifted her gaze to face Leo with a look of discontent at the overdramatic speech she had heard time and time again. She could never prove it, but she could almost swear that he rehearsed everything word for word on a weekly basis.

Y/N: "First of all, I've just been busy working on a remix of my favorite songs, and no this has nothing to do with Donnie's date. Second of all, as long as you keep up that attitude of yours, combined with the repetitive stunts you pull just to prove how much of a champ you really are, you will never be disinteresting. Not to me at least, and certainly not to your family."

Y/N smiled as she drove her argument home, a smile that Leo replicated as he gave an argument of his own, copying her countdown strategy.

Leo: "First of all, I doubt that very much, and kudos on the songwriting. Second, Y/N, you are my family. We all see you as the sister, or daughter in Pop's case, that we never had. Although, Donnie can be a bit of a drama queen."

Y/N laughed at yet another one of Leo's infamous one-liners.

Y/N: "That joke is so old, it requires a walking stick."

They both began to laugh as if this was the first joke either of them had ever heard. Leo dons his signature cocky grin in curiosity.

Leo: "Then, why are you laughing?"

Y/N: "Because I'm just the walking stick that joke needs."

That just made them laugh even harder, drawing the attention of the team's orange-clad artiste of a chef.

Mikey: "Hey, no fair. You two promised to make sure I was present before you had fun."

As the laughter died down, Y/N went back to her writing while Leo turned to Mikey, who was wearing the signature pout he made when things didn't go his way. Leo wasn't the only one with signature actions for certain situations.

Leo: "Two things, Miguel. One, that was when we were seven and you were six. Two, I made no such promise. Did I, Y/F/N?"

Y/N's writing hand halted in place as her head whipped around to face Leo with a stare she had learned from the purple-clad master himself, and a tone she had picked up from the team's sensei.

Y/N: "Listen, Hot Shot. This can go down one of two ways. One, we can continue this full-name game you've started, Leonardo. Or two, we go back to how things were a few minutes ago and have some good clean fun with each other."

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