Lucky Spark

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{A/N: Requested by@jewellovestowrite ; Hope this lives up to your expectations; Photo above is the guys' human disguises; Ignore the conversation bubble in blue; I know that in reality Katy Perry wrote the song, but in this universe, it hadn't previously existed}


Y/S/N = Your Stage Name

Y/F/N = Your Full Name

This was it. The night the turtles & April would get the chance to meet their favorite singer, Y/S/N AKA Y/F/N. Somehow, Donnie had managed to get the five of them backstage passes, as well as front row seats to her latest concert. No matter how much the others persisted, the tech genius refused to give up how he had gotten the tickets, or how it was so easy for him to do so. Regardless, they couldn't be more grateful to him for a kind gesture such as this. Little did they know, they were not only in for the time of their lives, but for the surprise of their lives as well.

Leo: "Donnie, this is incredible!"

Raph: "Yeah, thanks for getting us these VIP passes & tickets. Grateful as we are, you're still not gonna tell us how you got such great seats?"

Donnie: "Worry not, dear Raphael. By the end of the night, questions will be both answered and revealed, & fun will be had by all."

April: "Come on, D. One scientist to another, this is all legal and not at all incriminating for any parties involved right?"

This question raised some worrisome suspicion for the other three turtles. Donnie could be quite secretive, but that sometimes meant that there were some strings attached to his methods. While Donnie understood their concerns, he couldn't help but laugh at such a theory.

Donnie: "I say again, fear not. Everything that has & will occur within the last 48 hours was completely legal, non-incriminating, and somewhat intentional for any and all 'parties' involved."

That last part was a bit confusing for the others, but before any other questions could be asked or answered, the lights went out before a bright spotlight shone on the person these five would soon get the chance to meet.

Y/N: "Good evening, fellow New Yorkers. Everybody good, we having fun tonight?"

The whole crowd, turtles & April included, cheered in response, their excitement increasing with every passing minute.

Y/N: "Alright, well then, let's get this show on the road. Tonight, me and my back-up singers would like to open with a song that's very near and dear to me personally. It's dedicated to a very special person who's been the light of my life this past month. If he's out there somewhere listening, wish me luck babe. You're my lucky star, and this one's for you."

As the music began, the fangirls in the audience aww'ed at such a sweet gesture, Meanwhile, unbeknownst to anyone, Donnie gave her a warm, loving smile, his heart warmed at the idea of some lucky guy getting such special attention from such an incredible person.

{A/N: Start the video}


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag

Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin

Like a house of cards, one blow from cavin' in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep?

Six feet under screams, but no one seems to hear a thing

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