When the Sun Sets, Will It Last?

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{A/N: The image above is the engagement ring Donnie chose}


Y/N/N = Your Nickname

Y/F/C/: Your Favorite College AKA the college you plan on going to, or it can be random if you don't have a specific one in mind

C/S: College State AKA the state your college is located

This was it. The night before Y/N left for Y/F/C and everyone was excited and happy for her, well all except for Donnie. He was happy for her to have been accepted into the college of her dreams, but also forlorn to see his girlfriend leave New York for the next 4 years. Nonetheless, he was currently in the lair's garage with her discussing everything she might need for college. Unfortunately, Donnie's need to be 100% precise was starting to get on Y/N's nerves, which wasn't great since she was also anxious about her farewell to her friends, family, and her boyfriend of 2 years. Little did she know, that night would greatly change both of their lives thanks to a decision that had taken Donnie, in his opinion, far too long to act upon.

Y/N: "Donnie, will you relax? I already went over this last night and every other night for the last 2 weeks. Is everything ok? You've been acting weird these last few days."

Donnie: "I know. The truth is, I wanted to spend as much time as I can with you before you leave."

Y/N: "Aw, Donnie, you could've just said so. You know I love spending time with you guys, you especially."

Donnie: "I know, but I usually have to disguise my need to spend time with others through things like missions, or presenting my inventions, etc."

Donnie had a nervous smile on his face as he was admitting to her things he thought he'd never say out loud to anyone but himself.

Y/N: "I know. Tell you what, to keep our minds out of the dumps, as Leo would say, and cheer ourselves up by doing something no one else has to know about for as long as we live?"

Donnie's smile brightened at her proposition. It was perfect for what he had in mind.

Donnie: *English accent* "Excellent idea, milady."

Y/N: *English accent* "Why, of course, good sir."

She took Donnie's hand as they both raced to the lab, shut the door behind them, and began the routine they had practiced hundreds of times before.

{A/N: Start the video; Bold and underlined is wherever I've edited the lyrics}


When the sun goes down

You're gonna need a flashlight

You're gonna need a candle


I think I can handle that


When you leave town

I'm gonna buy you a calling card

Y/N (Both):

'Cause I'm falling hard (for you)

I head out first thing tomorrow


And I will try to make my way


Out West to C/S


So we've got this evening


And we've got each other

Perhaps even longer


When you're on your own

And suddenly without me

Will you forget about me?


I couldn't if I tried


When I'm all alone

And I close my eyes


That's when I'll see your face again


And when you're gone

You know that I'll be waiting whеn you're gone


But you're here with me right now


We'll be working hard, but if we should drift apart




Let me take this moment just to say—


No, no


You are gonna change the world someday—


I'll be thinking of home


And I'll think of you every night

At the same time—

At that moment, Donnie got down on one knee, opened a black ring box, and began his proposal: "Y/N, we've been best friends for 10 years now and never once have I regretted stepping out of the shadows to meet you. However, I have wondered what my life would've been like without you, and I never want a life like that. So, without further ado Y/F/N, my gorgeous Aphrodite of a Nightingale, will you make me the happiest I've been in my life and marry me?"

"Of course I'll marry you, my tech genius!" 

Tears of joy escaped her eyes as Donnie rose to place the ring onto her finger, before pulling her into a lasting kiss full of love, longing, passion, and hope.


When the sun goes down


When the sun goes down


When the sun goes down

For the rest of the night, the happy couple spent time with their friends and family, talking and laughing into the night. Y/N couldn't help but imagine her new future with her fiancé as well as asking her self one thing: When the sun sets, will this last? As she glanced lovingly at her future husband and answered her own question...

Yes it would, as long as it was Donnie she would spend the rest of her life with.


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