Unrequited Satisfaction

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{A/N: This story is a continuation/deleted scene from the "Dream Come True" trilogy; The image above is April's maid of honor dress}

Backstory: Today's the day. The day Y/N marries the man, or turtle, of her dreams, Donatello Hamato. The vows have been spoken, the rings have been exchanged, and the reception has commenced. Everyone's having a wonderful time and chatting amongst themselves. No one could be happier now that the happy couple has finally tied the knot. Sound familiar? You've all heard the story from Y/N and Donnie's point of view, but did you ever wonder how April might've felt about her best friend getting the guy she's been secretly in love with for who knows how long? Let's see how that turned out, shall we?

Raph: "Congrats, guys. I'm so happy for you two, I could punch a rainbow!"

Donnie: "Thanks Raph, yeah there's absolutely nothing that could make this day any more perfect."

Donnie let out a small laugh as he turned to his newly pronounced wife with a lovesick grin.

April: "Not even if your human bestie gave the best maid of honor speech in the whole world?"

April gave a fist pump to the air as she finished her question towards the man, or turtle, of the hour.

Y/N: "I don't know, April. What do you think, Mr. Hamato von Ryan?"

Y/N turned to her husband with a cocky grin. She had decided to use the last name 'Hamato von Ryan' to combine her husband's family name, with a reference to her husband's alias, Othello von Ryan. Neither Donnie, nor Splinter, saw any reason as to why that would be a problem.

Donnie: "Well, if you're alright with it, Mrs. Hamato Von Ryan. April, you may commence this 'best maid of honor speech in the whole world' A.S.A.P.!"

With that, April sped off towards the stage readying the speech she had been rehearsing since the happy couple got engaged.

Leo: "I still don't see why I couldn't give the best man speech I had prepared."

Y/N: "Because Nardo, at the rehearsal dinner your speech was so embarrassing, Raph and Mikey had to literally drag you off the stage."

Leo: "So I told a few embarrassing stories and jokes about you two, that's what brothers, and best man speeches, are for."

Leo gave a shrug and his signature smirk towards his newly wedded brother.

Donnie: "No, Leonardo, no they are not. Now, let's just listen to what our dear friend April has to say and support her no matter what. Agreed?"

They all nodded in agreement as they turned towards the stage as April started her speech.

April: "Hi everyone, on behalf of the newlyweds, I'd like to thank you all for being here to witness this heartwarming occasion. If you haven't had the chance to meet me yet, I'm April. I've known Y/N since we were little, and somehow the subject of marriage always came up in our conversations. As it usually does when it comes to little girls' fantasies. Now that I think about it, that may be why our go-to karaoke song when it's just the two of us is "I Know It's Today" from Shrek the Musical. "

The crowd lightly laughed as April recalled the times when fairy tales and folklore was reality for her and Y/N.

April: "I never had a sister, but Y/N has been like a sister to me for all these years. Anyway, before this gets long, I'll just wrap this up and say{A/N: Start the video at 0:14}-cheers to the groom, and the bride, from your best friend, who'll always be by your side. To your union, and the hope that you provide. May you always be satisfied,-(Pause the video)-and have happiness, and of course love. And D, never forget two things: Happy wife = happy life, and she is always right."

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