Purple-Clad White Horse

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{A/N: I know that in reality Taylor Swift wrote the song but in this universe, this song hadn't previously existed}


Y/N/N = Your Nickname

Y/F/I = Your First Initial

In a small apartment somewhere in NYC, Y/N was fiddling with her guitar, humming, strumming, and writing in her songbook with a forlorn look on her face. She had recently discovered that her now ex-boyfriend, had been two-timing her for weeks now. It's not like she really cared that much about him, since she had a crush on someone else long before she started dating Chad.

{A/N: I don't know why but the name Chad seems like the perfect name for a two-timing ex; As for the not really caring thing, in her and my defense, is heartbreak ever not saddening?}

In her defense [Again ;)] , she always thought that her crush had been one-sided since it seemed like he preferred her roommate over her as a romantic partner. She had known him, and his family, for a long time and it seemed like they knew more about each other than anyone else ever could. They had met her roommate a year after they met each other and immediately became close friends with one another. As she thought about her roommate and crush, she thought it would be nice if she had some feedback on her new song so she called up her chocolatey brown-haired best friend.

Meanwhile somewhere in the sewers of NYC:

April was chilling on the couch in the lair, talking and laughing with her friends when all of a sudden her phone rang. When she saw that it was her roommate, she smiled and immediately answered.

April: "Hey, Y/N. What's up, girl?"

One of the brothers in blue smirked and immediately decided to play 'Keep Away' with April's phone, seeing as it was one of his best friends on the other end of the line. He looked to his brothers, who had the same look as him.

Leo: "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin', boys?"

They all nodded as Leo leapt into action.

Y/N: "Hey April. So, here's the thing-"

Leo: "Yo, Y/N/N, how's it hangin'? You on your way down here? Maybe even with pizza and a karaoke machine?"

He hit the speaker button so everyone could hear her.

Y/N: *laughs* "Hey there, Hot Shot. No, unfortunately for you, I'm not on my way down. I was just gonna ask April if she could come home real quick to give me some feedback on a song I've been working on."

They all smiled widely, especially a certain purple-clad genius. They loved hearing Y/N sing, whether it was an original or a cover of some random song. Of course, the only way they would ever hear her singing is if they just so happened to be standing in a doorway or if they were a reasonable distance from wherever she was. Mikey dons his signature sweet smile, sparkling eyes and all.

Mikey: "Omigosh, can we come too?" Y/N nervously laughed as she replied.

Y/N: "I don't know."

April shot Leo a look of annoyance for snatching her phone, before she looked towards her phone

April: "You don't have to say yes if it makes you uncomfortable, hun. We'll understand. I'm on my way as soon as I say my goodbyes and end this call. Any chance I can know what the song's about?"

"Oh, it's just based off of my latest incident with Chad."

April had a look of distaste at the mention of Chad before switching back to a warm smile.  She always saw Y/N as a slightly younger little sister and knew how nervous she was about performing in front of other people, herself excluded. Especially if it had anything to do with Chad, whom April had never liked. She preferred her dating Donnie, Y/N's secretly reciprocating crush, rather than her self-absorbed ex.

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