Keep Dreaming

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{A/N: This story is the sequel to "Two Worlds Apart"; The image above is the exterior of their home}

Y/N and Donnie returned from their honeymoon in Great Ocean Road, Australia 2 days ago and are now completing the finishing touches of unpacking their things into their new home. It wasn't that they didn't want to continue living in the lair with the others. They had all just decided that it would be better if the newlyweds had a bit more privacy, and the house being located not too far from the city sealed the deal for them. Plus, no one would be poking their noses where they didn't belong. However, there were plenty of guest rooms ready for whenever the others wanted to sleep over.

Y/N: "Well, that's the last of my half of the house. How's it going for your half, my tech genius?"

Y/N walked through the house in search of her hero of a husband.

Donnie: "Same as you, my Aphrodite. And, since we've finished unpacking in record time thanks to our brilliant teamwork, I checked other married couples' timing don't ask how, what say we celebrate just the two of us?"

Donnie slyly smiled as he pulled Y/N into a warm embrace.

{A/N: Not like that, these stories are strictly PG}

Y/N: "Well, I do like the sound of that. What did you have in mind, Handsome?"

Y/N dons the same sly grin as her husband.

Donnie: "Well, I-"

Before they could continue their little tête-à-tête, the other Mad Dogs plus April, literally came knocking on their door before Y/N opened it.

Mikey: "Hi, lovebirds, who's ready to celebrate?"

Y/N: "Hey little bro, um, celebrate what exactly?"

 Y/N let out a confused laugh, slightly annoyed that her new family had interrupted she and her husband's little charade.

Leo: "Well, duh, celebrate you and Donnie having finished unpacking in record time!"

Leo blew a mini noise-maker in his twin brother's face, ignoring the very much annoyed look plastered on his face.

Donnie: "How would you-"

Donnie pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

Donnie: "Have you three been playing your little twisted version of 'I Spy' again? And what are you doing here, April? Don't tell me you support all of this?"

Donnie turned to his only human best friend, besides his wife, in surprise. His brothers had been playing their own version of 'I Spy' for years. They would put their ninja skills to the test to spy on their, as Leo would put it, geeky younger/older brother, which annoyed the purple-clad turtle to no end.

April: "Of course not, D. But, while I believe that your brothers, specifically Leo, should mind their own beeswax, I can't see anything wrong with celebrating the accomplishment with your family."

April tried to use reason to sway Donnie out of annoyance before looking at the couple who stood at each other's side.

April: "But, from the looks on both of your faces, I can see that we've interrupted something, so allow me to offer a compromise. You let us stay here to celebrate as a group for 10-20 minutes, and we'll head back to the lair and stay out of your hair for 4 days?"

Leo jumped in between the three of them in rebuttal.

Leo: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, do we have any say in this?"

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