More Than Alright

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{A/N: This story is the final sequel to "Dream Come True"; This takes place a few months to a year after the events of "Always Wanted"; Image above is Y/N's wedding dress}

Today's the day. The day Y/N marries the man, or turtle, of her dreams, Donatello Hamato. The vows have been spoken, the rings have been exchanged, and the reception has commenced. Everyone's having a wonderful time and chatting amongst themselves. No one could be happier now that the happy couple has finally tied the knot. Little does the groom know, he's in for quite the surprise.

Leo: "So, D-Man, you actually went through with it. You didn't get cold feet once. I'm impressed. I also owe Mikey 5 bucks."

Leo turned to his twin with a smirk.

Mikey: "Yeah, you do."

Mikey dons a sly grin towards his older brother in blue.

Raph: "All right, you two. Seriously Donnie, we're all happy for you. Y/N's very lucky to have you as a husband. We'd know that better than anyone."

Raph dons a sweet smile towards his younger brother in purple as he recalled all the times over the years that Donnie had taken care of and helped his brothers however and whenever he could.

Splinter: "I am very proud of you, my son."

Donnie: "Thanks guys, but speaking of Y/N, has anyone seen her since the start of the reception?"

At that moment, the sound of a fork clinking against a champagne glass started. Everyone turned towards the sound to see Y/N onstage with the reception band in her wedding dress with a nervous look on her face.

 Everyone turned towards the sound to see Y/N onstage with the reception band in her wedding dress with a nervous look on her face

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Y/N: "Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for being here on the happiest day of my life. So, I've been planning this for a while and I'd like to quickly address the one this song is meant for."

She turned, with a loving smile, to Donnie who had a look of surprise and appreciation for such a lovely gesture.

Y/N: "Donnie, when we gave our vows back at the altar I didn't get to say all the things I wanted to say. So I figured this song could say it for me, and I hope it's okay if I love you forever."

Just as the band began to play, Y/N took a quick breath to calm her nerves, closed her eyes, and sang her heart out for her one and only true love.

{A/N: Start the video}


Life is so simple

A little boy, a little girl

Laughing and loving

Tryin' to figure out the world

It felt like summer when I kissed you in the rain

And I know your story but tell me again

Nothing you say wouldn't interest me

All of your words are like poems to me

I would be honored if you would take me as I am

I want you

To look right in my eyes

To tell me you love me

To be by my side

I want you

At the end of my life

Wanna see your face

When I fall with grace

At the moment I die

Is that alright?

Is that alright?

I hope you're still with me

When I'm not quite myself

And I pray that you'll lift me

When you know I need help

It's a warm celebration of all of our years

I dream of our story of our fairytale

Family dinners and family trees

Teachin' the kids to say thank you and please

Knowing if we stay together that things will be right

I want you

To look right in my eyes

To tell me you love me

To be by my side

I want you

At the end of my life

Wanna see your face

When I fall with grace

At the moment I die

Is that alright?

Is that alright?

Is that alright?

As the music ended, the crowd immediately cheered and applauded the courage and heart put into the performance. Y/N then walked off the stage towards the turtle of the hour.

Donnie: "Y/N, that was amazing. Thank you so much. I love you, my Aphrodite. And to answer your question yes, that's more than alright."

Donnie smiled as he gave his newly pronounced wife a loving kiss as a gesture of thanks for what he would consider from that moment as the greatest wedding gift he could've ever received that night, maybe even better the matching purple satin jackets they'd received from April.

Y/N: "I'm glad you liked it, brainiac."

Y/N dons a loving smile and laughs at one of her many nicknames for her genius in shining armor. For the rest of the night, the two of them never left each other's side once and couldn't help the smiles on their faces, nor the laughs from the wedding toasts from their friends and family. All they could think about was the possibilities they'll face in the years to come. But no matter what their future entails, they know that as long as they face it together, they would be, more than alright.


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