Always Wanted

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{A/N: This story is the first sequel to "Dream Come True"; The image above is Y/N's gift to Donnie}

It's been one year since Donnie and Y/N confessed their feelings for one another. Tonight is the one year anniversary of their relationship, and Donnie has something big planned. To celebrate, and per Donnie's instructions, April, Leo, Mikey, and Raph took Y/N to a karaoke bar. For the sake of not raising suspicion, the guys had on the human watches Donnie had made and recently upgraded.

Leo: "A toast, to the world's best, albeit most odd and geeky, couple ever."

Leo dons a sly grin as they all raised their lemonades in unison.

Y/N: "All joking aside Nardo,"

Y/N used the nickname she knew he had a strong disliking for, which received an annoyed glare from the blue-clad slider turtle.

Y/N: "I wouldn't say we're the world's best couple."

Y/N dons a shy smile, unable to resist thinking about her brainy 'bad boy', as he liked to call himself, of a boyfriend. Y/N had a surprise of her own for her knight in purple armor, which was underneath the very table the five of them were seated at. However, she would soon realize that her gift may pale in comparison to his wondrous surprise.

April: "Are you kidding Y/N/N? You two are like birds of a feather, or in this case turtles of a shell."

Both girls laughed at her joke.

Just then, a the sound of microphone feedback filled the room as everyone in the establishment turned their heads to find the sound's source. Only for them to find Donnie in his human form with a nervous smile as he addressed the crowd.

Donnie: "Good evening, everyone. So, tonight is the first anniversary of me and my girlfriend's relationship, and I figured if she has enough courage and bravery to stand in front of a crowd of people, I see no reason why I shouldn't do the same. So, this is dedicated to the one and only Y/N, my Nightingale. I only hope I can do as amazing of a performance as she can."

The crowd aww'ed in response as Donnie took a deep breath to calm his nerves, while Y/N couldn't help but smile in surprise and astonishment at the soft shell's grand romanic gesture.

She turned towards her friends, who all had prideful, knowing smirks towards each other.

Y/N: *whispers* "Did you guys know about this?"

Mikey: "We may have had a teeny, tiny inkling about this. We would've told you earlier, but Donnie wanted it to be a surprise."

Y/N: "It's fine, guys. I'm glad you didn't ruin the surprise. But now the gift I got him for today seems so much smaller compared to this."

Raph placed a hand on her shoulder and dons reassuring smile.

Raph: "Relax, Y/N, I'm sure that whatever you got him, he'll love just the same." 

Y/N turned back towards the stage as the music began to play.

{A/N: Start the video; Bold and underlined is wherever I've changed the lyrics}


You know I'd fall apart without you

I don't know how you do what you do

'Cause everything that don't make sense about me

Makes sense when I'm with you

Like everything that's green, girl, I need you

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