Careless Crushing

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{A/N: I know that in reality First to Eleven performed this cover, but in this universe, the cover hadn't previously existed; Photo above is what the studio looks like}


Y/Y/U = Your Youtube Username

Y/N/N = Your Nickname

Y/N: "Howdy, friendly followers! It's me, your friendly neighborhood cover girl. Y/Y/U's the name, and song covers are my game. As always, helping me from behind the scenes are my besties, April O'Neil and Miguel von Ryan. You guys wanna say hi to today's viewers?"

Mikey: "Cowabunga, dudes and dudettes!"

April: "How's it going, folks? Welcome to the channel!"

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to shed some light on the situation. For as long as they could remember, Y/N, Mikey, and April have been BFFs till the end. For fun, Mikey recorded videos of the girls singing songs from their favorite cartoons when they were kids. One day, who knows how long ago, the trio decided they should post their videos to provide entertainment for those who shared the same passions as them. Once the girls got permission from their parents, the Mad Dogs agreed on one condition. Since mutants had to be kept a secret from other humans, Mikey had to operate behind the scenes.

Today, April and Mikey had one specific cover that they wanted their friend to perform. The week before, April had done a quick video message to their viewers that they needed some of them to request a cover of "I Don't Care" by Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber. Her reasoning behind the request was a simple one. In vain, she and Mikey had tried to convince Y/N to reveal her feelings for Donnie face-to-face. So, they decided to use her commitment to the satisfaction of her friends, followers, and fans to give her the emphasized push she needed. That got the viewers buzzing with excitement, and they all agreed to take part in the duo's little experiment.

Now back to the present, the three of them were ready, set, and excited to get this show going, two of the three especially. Y/N gave a quick nod once her friends had finished their greeting and decided to carry on with what she thought was yet to come.

Y/N: "Alright, let's see what you guys are asking for today."

Y/N glanced to the side to scan the chat for song requests. Every one of them was for one song, and one song only.

Y/N: "'I Don't Care' by Ed Sheeran and Justin B. Uh, well, I guess if that's what the fans want, we should give them just that."

Y/N's cheery, carefree smile shifted to that of a look of nervousness. Mikey and April shared a fist bump from underneath the studio's mix table, out of Y/N's line of sight. Their plan was working perfectly. Now all they had to do was let the magic happen while they waited for the final part of their surprise to show up. Y/N then took a deep breath to calm her nerves, necessary now more than ever, and gave her friends the signal to begin the music.

{A/N: Start the video at 0:08; Bold and underlined is wherever I've changed the lyrics; Lyrics in parentheses is part of the prerecorded background music; Stop the video at 4:44}

Y/N (April):

I'm at a party I don't wanna be at

And I don't ever wear a suit and tie, yeah

Wondering if I could sneak out the back

Nobody's even looking me in my eyes

Can you take my hand

Finish my drink, sayin', "Shall we dance?" (Hell, yeah)

You know I love ya, did I ever tell ya?

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