If I Tell You

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{A/N: The image above is the one on Y/N's desk, just pretend it's you in the pic and not April; Italics are character thoughts}

Y/N: "That's it, I can't do this! I just can't, I give up."

Y/N balled up yet another piece of paper and threw it into her waste basket, which was overflowing with all the other letters she had given up on. For the past hour, but for Y/N it seemed like a lifetime, she had been trying to write a letter of confession to Donnie about her feelings for him. She placed her head on her desk with a sigh, turning to face the picture she kept on her desk of her and Donnie.

Y/N: "I just don't understand, you and I have been friends since we were kids. Why is it so hard to tell you this one, possibly harmless little thing?"

Donnie: "What 'possibly harmless little thing'?"

Y/N as she turned and stood up in surprise.

Y/N: "Donnie, uh, hey, it's nothing."

Y/N: *thoughts* 'He must not believe me when I say it's nothing if I've called him over at-*checks alarm clock-10 o'clock at night! But why is he so early? I wasn't expecting him over for at least a few more minutes.'

Donnie: "All right, sorry I'm so early, it's just that you sounded kinda urgent on the phone. So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Y/N just stood there for a few moments in shock. She wasn't expecting him for a few minutes she hadn't thought of what to say to him and how to say it. Finally, an idea popped into her head as she composed herself.

Y/N: "Oh, it's fine, don't worry about it. What I wanted to talk to you about is, I've recently told one of my friends about you. Don't worry, I left out the whole, 'mutant ninja turtle', thing and showed her a few pictures of you with your human watch on. So she thinks you're just a beyond average guy, whom she's quite interested in."

Donnie nodded, relieved that he could still trust his closest friend, maybe even more than that, to keep his family's secret.

Donnie: "Beyond average, huh? You must've really talked me up to her. So, just how interested is she?"

Donnie's smirk that turned into a shy smile. His secret crush had just told him that there was some other girl interested in dating him. He figured if Y/N didn't reciprocate his feelings for her, he might as well give it a shot. He could always use his human watch on his first meeting with this friend, if there ever would be a first meeting. Y/N slightly panicked, hopeful that he wouldn't realize that this 'other friend' was actually her.

Y/N: "Well-"

{A/N: Start the video; Bold and underlined is wherever I've changed the lyrics}


She thinks you're, awesome


She thinks I'm awesome? Really?




How so?


Well, she says

There's nothing like your smile

Sort of subtle and perfect and real

She says

You must not know how wonderful

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