No One Here But Us

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Donnie sat in his lab hunched over his desk trying, key word trying, to focus on his latest invention. Unfortunately, he couldn't help but overthink about his relationship with Y/N. They had been together for nearly a year, but even so, Donnie couldn't help but second guess her reasons for starting a romantic relationship, let alone a platonic one, with him in the first place. April and his brothers knew about his worries, and chalked it up as 'just that big brain of yours overthinking things as usual'.

Of course, it was mostly Leo who said things like that. Regardless, Donnie couldn't help but wonder if his brother had a point. He eventually gave up on his task with a sigh and moved on to something he started 2 months after he first met Y/N, a list of reasons he came up with to answer the burning question on his mind. He also started a research paper, of sorts, with proof to back up the reasons on the aforementioned list.

Little did he know, Y/N had just entered the lair, said her usual greetings to the others out of respect, and instantly made a beeline towards the lair. As she neared the entrance, she couldn't help but wonder if she was quiet enough to be able to sneak up on at the purple-clad ninja. So, she slowly walked towards him and slowly crept her arms around his neck.

Y/N: "Hey genius. How are things?"

Donnie quickly swapped out his list for the blueprints for his latest invention before jumping up and turning towards her, his eyes widened in surprise.

Donnie: "Y/N!! Hey, um, nothing much, just the usual. Y'know, designing blueprints and such."

He turned back towards his desk, hoping that she wouldn't notice the sheet of paper he was actually working on. Unfortunately for him, Y/N had noticed his mad dash to hide the list and picked it up as it had fallen to the floor. Y/N had wondered about Donnie's strange behavior for the past few days, now she knew what it was about.

Y/N: "Donnie, what is this? You made a list of reasons why I would have a relationship of any kind with you, platonic or otherwise? Is this why you've been acting strange these last few days?"

Donnie looked up from the blueprints, while still trying to avoid her gaze.

Donnie: "Well, kinda, sorta, maybe, yeah. It just doesn't make sense to me why a goddess like you would want to associate with a human-mutant turtle hybrid like me. I never discussed it with you because I didn't know how to say it out loud."

He then stood up and turned to Y/N with a look of nervousness. Y/N gave him a warm smile as an idea popped into her head.

Y/N: "Well, you know what I do when I can't find the words for something to say out loud?"

Donnie returned her smile.

Donnie: "Yes, you sing, but I'm nowhere near as good as you. Besides what song could exist that could possibly fit this situation?"

Y/N's smile then turned to a smirk.

Y/N: "I might know of a certain song from an album that I know you and Mikey listen to during your hang out sessions with him. Besides there's no one here but us."

 {A/N: I don't know why, but I feel like Dear Evan Hansen is something Mikey and Donnie would bond over}

Donnie knew that look all too well as he mimicked her smirk once she took her hands from behind her back to reveal a remote and press a button that was half orange-half purple. As the music began to play, Y/N placed the remote on his desk, reached out her hand for him to take, and slowly began to lead him into a waltz. As they danced, their gaze never left each other's and the loving smiles on their faces couldn't fade away even if they tried.

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