Get That Cake!

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"Okay so, our plan is that you will distract our chef, while I get two pieces of cake for both of us." Tangerina told her friend.

Skylene nodded excitedly with a huge smile on her face but slowly turned into a frown. 

"But, what happens if the chef spots you?" She asked.

Tangerina stayed silent for a few seconds and quickly smiles with confidence.

"I won't get caught! I'm silent as a mouse." Tangerina said with confidence.

"No you are not! You have beehived hair with alive bees inside! Plus, bees are very noisy. Especially, if they are with other bees." Skylene told her very annoyed friend.

"At least, I'm not as dumb as you." Tangerina said in annoyance.

"I am not dumb!" Skylene yelled.

"You literally got scared because you thought the fish were going to drown in water!" Tangerina yelled back.

Skylene didn't say anything back for a few moments.

"Whatever, just be quiet and go with the plan." Skylene says to Tangerina.

Skylene goes up to the counter, and waits for the chef to see her. Tangerina hides under the counter, hoping for the chef not to see her. The chef notices Skylene and walks towards her with a welcoming smile.

"Hello there, Skylene." The chef says to her.

"Hello, Miss! Um, how are you?" She asks.

Tangerina decided to crawl quietly and slowly to where the cake was. She looks around the kitchen to see a sweet cake on the table. She crawls silently to get two plates and utensils for them. She grabbed the plates but accidentally dropped a few plates on the floor, pieces of the plate start spreading around the ground. 

Skylene panics as the chef was about to turn around.

"Uhh..DO FISH HAVE BUTTS, MISS?" Skylene shouts out.

The chef looks at Skylene with confusion written all over her face. 

"Excuse me..?" The chef turns her body at Skylene's direction.

"Do fish have butts? Is their tails their butt?" Skylene says with with a nervous smile.

Tangerina took this chance to cut two pieces of the cake while Skylene was asking a dumb question to the chef who was clearly confused as well as Tangerina. She successfully placed them on the plates and gave a thumbs up to Skylene.

Skylene noticed and waved goodbye to the chef. Tangerina tip-toed out of the kitchen and gave Skylene the other slice of cake.

"Told you I could be quiet!" Tangerina told her.

Skylene looked at her with annoyance but she let it slide for now. As they were about to eat the cake, Brystal was right in front of them, frowning.

"Shoot.." They both said at the same time.

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