Time Travel!

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Characters included: Brystal, Skylene, Emerelda, Tangerina, Lucy, and Xanthous!

"LOOK, FISH CAN SWIM, BLOW BUBBLES, AND HAVE AMAZING HOMES!" Skylene exclaimed to the other.


In the dining room, Tangerina and Skylene had been fighting for at least ten minutes now. Xanthous took a sip of his tea, watching the drama. Lucy was enjoying the show happening in front of them.

"Sorry, but Sky? Bees sound more better in my opinion." Emerelda bit into her food. "Don't take it too far or anything! It's just my opinion.."

"WHAT?!" Skylene yelled out with confusion.

"HA! That concludes our argument, thank you for your time." Tangerina sat back in her seat, looking at Skylene with an evil smile.

Skylene just crossed her arms and sunk in her seat even more.

"I take it you're angry?" Lucy asked her friend.

Skylene just responded by turning the other direction which caused Lucy to laugh out loud. "Kids these days.."

"You can't be serious." Xanthous said to Lucy.

"What? I'm always the one who actually cooperates here!" Lucy threw her arms in the air.


"Xanthous, just let it be. Let her have this moment to herself.." Emerelda cut him off as he rolled his eyes.

He just ignored Lucy laughing like a toddler in the background as he angrily took a bite of his food that was left on his plate.

"Well, now with that taken care of, let's talk about why we need to kill-"

"GUYS! I JUST LEARNED THIS SPELL AND I THOUGHT WE COULD TRY IT TOGETHER!" Brystal exclaimed as she came in the room.

"HEY! Don't cut me of-" Lucy argued but Skylene cut her off.

"Ooooh! What is this magic you speak of?" Skylene said happily as her eyes sparkled.

This caught the members attention as they glanced over at Brystal who had an ecstatic grin that was shown on her face.


"WOAH, CALM DOWN, BRYSTAL! Please, have a carrot, calm yourself.." Lucy threw a carrot in Brystal's face.

"Yeah, seriously! Just breathe and take your time, alright?" Tangerina assured her friend who was still smiling like a crazy person.

The others watched her take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. But, she still kept her grin.

"So.." Brystal started.




"So, what you're saying is.." Xanthous asked with a confused expression. "That we can, basically, time travel?"

"Mhm mhm mhm!" Brystal nodded with excitement.

"You sure are excited about this.." Emerelda placed a hand on her excited friend's shoulder. Brystal turned over to look at Emerelda with a happy grin once again as Emerelda jumped a little from the sudden turn around.

"I hate to admit it, but this is actually really AWESOME!" Lucy exclaimed with her arms above her.

"I know right!" Brystal smiled.

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