A New Discovery?

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Characters Included: Emerelda and Xanthous!

Special Guest: Skylene!

Xanthous was taking a stroll outside of the academy. He has honestly been occupied for the last few days, he just needed some alone time to himself. Just him and himself.

Sure, he loved his friends but everyone always needed to be alone at some point. It's like you have this social battery that can run out at some point. And right now, his battery ran out of energy to talk to anyone.

He kept looking down at the path, letting his feet take him wherever. Xanthous was lost in his thoughts but that was soon stopped as he bumped into something, causing him to fall back.

He rubbed onto his head and opened his eyes to see something that made him scream for dear life.



"Huh, this is like the forth dead body I have found in the academy today.." Emerelda muttered to herself as she continued writing in her notepad.

"It's a shame really." Emerelda told herself. "It's a shame that Lucy is bad at hiding these type of things. Or maybe even Skylene did this. Guess you'll never know.." She shrugged and walked into the halls.

Emerelda stopped when she heard a sudden door slam that wasn't too far from her. She turned her head to see a sweating Xanthous that looked petrified. Her expression now turned into a concern one.

"Xanthous?" Emerelda called out as she walked over to him.


"Woah woah, calm down.." Emerelda took his hands off of her. "Now, tell me what's going on slowly."

Xanthous took a breath in and out slowly and cleared his throat. "We must hide away in our rooms forever and die."

"And why would we do such a thing?" Emerelda raised an eyebrow at her friend.

"BECAUSE THERE IS SOM- something outside.." Xanthous tried to calm himself down.

"Which is...?" Emerelda tilted her head in confusion.

"Uh.." Xanthous got ready to explain but froze. "I don't even know what it is if I'm being honest."

"What." She narrowed her eyes at him as he nervously chuckled.

"You know, I think it's better if you see it for yourself!" Xanthous grabbed onto her arm and started hesitating to open the doors of the entrance.

Outside, there stood a particularly big bird. It wasn't like any bird but they did have a long neck.

Or in other words, an Ostrich..

"What in the heavens is that?" Emerelda said with widened eyes.

"Well it's obviously a bird but deadly!" Xanthous kept grabbing Emerelda by the arm.

"And you found this when...?" Emerelda slurred out the last word while looking at him.

"When I was taking a nice and PEACEFUL walk." Xanthous told her.

Emerelda looked at the ostrich with her eyes narrowed slightly. "Xanthous, I don't know what to even do in this situation."

"WHAT?! But, you usually know what to do!" Xanthous exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know! But, I never seen this thing before in my life!" Emerelda shouted out.

"Because you lived in a mine your whole life!" Xanthous rolled his eyes.

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