The Visit of a Lifetime

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Characters Included: Tangerina, Emerelda, and Lucy!

Special Guest: ??????

Lucy stood outside of the academy, being bored out of her mind. She sat on the staircase that lead up to the academy behind her, but she wasn't going in anytime soon.

She was lonely once again. Just her with the wilderness that surrounded her. Lucy's friends were of course, busy as usual. What did she expect?

Tangerina didn't want to be near her, Lucy was used to that though. Emerelda being in her room doing who knows what. Skylene figuring out how to make a potion of some sort. Xanthous and Brystal working on a special project or something.

Lucy sighed as she looked up at the clouds. "There's nothing fun going on today. What happened to our fun adventures? I mean, sure we almost died a couple of times but it was worth it, wasn't it?" She told herself.

Lucy rested her head on her palms, looking at the sky again. "I wish there was something to do..."

As if the gods heard her, something happened above her head. Lucy looked up to see a glow through the clouds that shined down on her face. Lucy covered her eyes so she wouldn't hurt her eyes, but she still peeked an eye out.

In a blink of an eye, a figure came down from the skies. The figure flew down, graciously towards Lucy. But, the more Lucy looked at the figure, the more she realized it wasn't a person but a bird.

"What in the Jack rolling down the hill is that?" She stood up from the staircase she sat on.

The bird stood tall in front of her. They had white feathers that covered their body all around. Their shimmery blue eyes stared down at them with no emotion.

"Uh, hello there, human bird?" Lucy said with confusion.

"Do you not know who I am?" The bird replied with a stern voice that gave Lucy shivers down her spine.

"Um, no-"

"I am one of the Bird Gods that you have praised over the years." They responded.

This caused Lucy to gasp as her eyes grew bigger and bigger. She waited for a moment like this to happen. She waited her WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS! It was all finally coming true.

"NO WAY! Wait till Tangerina sees this.." Lucy said to herself with a smirk of her own. "Why are you here, Mighty One?"

The bird still showed no emotion as she responded. "I'm here for a mission, actually. I was apparently sent here for you."

Lucy squealed with excitement. "For little old meeeeee?"

"Yes." They told her.

"Wait a minute. Why for me?" Lucy asked out of curiosity to the bird.

"Let me check..." They pulled out a paper and read out their mission for today. "For your emotional needs."

"What." Lucy looked them up and down. "Look, I haven't been feeling down lately or anything. I don't need a therapist!"

"Do NOT call me a 'therapist', you hear?" They narrowed their eyes at her as Lucy smiled nervously in response.

"Woah woah, okay! I didn't mean it, don't take it the hard way! But then, what do you mean?" Lucy questioned her.

"You humans ask too many questions." The bird rolled their eyes which caused Lucy to glare at them. "To make you a better person."

"Well, that's mean, don't you think?" Lucy said, offended.

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