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Thank you to the person who requested this chapter idea :)

Oh, let me add, there is a bit of hitting in the chapter. So, you may skip over that part if you need to.

In the Academy, all the members of the Fairy Council were sitting together in the dining room. They were all munching down the food that Ms. Vee had made for the council.

Lucy violently slurped up her drink and placed the glass on the table. "Have you ever-"

"No," Tangerina told her. "Shut up."

"I didn't even get to finish!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Lucy, you say the most dumbest things in existence!" Tangerina says. "I bet you were going to talk about what would happen if the food came alive."

Lucy was about to argue but soon started eating her food with an annoyed look.

Xanthous spoke out. "You know-"

"No." Tangerina once again said.

Skylene splashed water at her friend. "What is wrong with you today? Did you not get enough sleep or something?"

Tangerina slammed her glass cup on the table. "Yeah, actually! I haven't gotten enough sleep because of two particular people."

Skylene and Xanthous glanced at each other with a look of nervousness.


Tangerina let her sleepiness take over as she closed her eyes peacefully.

Everything was perfect. Her bed was as comfortable as it should be. There was no sound to be heard from anywhere. Her bees were actually being quiet for once. Also, and might I add, there was no Lucy.

It was just peaceful.

But, Tangerina's eyes shot right open when her door slammed open. She rubbed her eyes and looked to see who had caused her beauty sleep to be discontinued.

There stood an ecstatic Skylene and a happy Xanthous in which Tangerina groaned with annoyance.

"What do you two want?" Tangerina told them. "You both know I need my sleep."

Xanthous looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "It's 5:00pm though?"

"Yeah and?" Tangerina replied with.

"We wanted to show you something!" Skylene exclaimed with excitement.

Tangerina slammed her head against her pillow. "Please no-"

Skylene started blowing into the toy trumpet poorly while Xanthous drummed with the kitchen pots violently.

This lasted for two hours.

End of Flashbacks...

"It's your fault for sleeping at 5:00pm! Who even sleeps at that time?" Skylene pointed at Tangerina. "What are you? Ms. Vee?"

"HEY!" The Fairy Council heard someone yell in the kitchen.

"I, personally, find it to be a reasonable time to sleep." Emerelda called out after she took a bit out of her food.

"That's because you're old." Lucy told her.

Emerelda grew flabbergasted. "I'm not that old!"

"Or are you?" Skylene questioned.

"I'm really not." Emerelda replied.

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