The Future or just a Dream?

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Characters included: Emerelda and Brystal! (Lucky appearances: Tangerina, Xanthous, and Skylene!)

(This might get scary-)

Brystal was on a field full of beautiful flowers filled with all sorts of colors. She was laying down thinking of all the happy times she has had with her friends. She couldn't believe how long they have been friends for, it just feels like yesterday they all met. Time flies by fast, doesn't it?

Suddenly, she noticed all the flowers loosing their colors as she stood up with a face filled with concern. One by one, the flowers turned gray and withered away into dust. She looked around to see if anyone was near, wondering who could be doing this but no one was around.

She immediately decided to tell the rest of the Fairy Council about this and ran to find the academy. She kept running until she saw the school from afar. She noticed that the golden glow was slowly turning gray, just like the flowers. This made her use all her might to sprint towards the academy even faster.

When she finally reached it, she opened the doors and looked around with panic. The whole academy was loosing it's color! She ran to Emerelda's room and knocked quickly against the door.

No response.

Brystal knocked once again but no one opened the door. So, she decided to just open the door to talk to Emerelda. Just as she feared, the room had no color at all and just looked gray.

Emerelda was on her bed, facing the window in her room. Brystal went up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Emerelda, we need to get out of here! This place is-"

Emerelda looked at her with dead-like eyes with no color in them. She had a blank expression and had no emotion at all. Brystal gasped and backed a few steps away from Emerelda.

"Emerelda..?" Brystal said in fear.

Soon, Emerelda quickly smiled but it wasn't her usual kind smile. It was more of a evil smile.

"Oh look, it's the Fairy Godmother! The person who couldn't even save her own friends!" Emerelda yelled at her.

It was like Emerelda's kind tone vanished. Now, it was a rude tone which didn't sound like  Emerelda at all.

"What..?" Brystal said quietly.

"Oh Brystal, don't you see? Everyone is in danger cause of you! Look what you did to me! I tried to keep the others safe with my magic but guess what? My magic wasn't enough and I failed everyone because you left me!" Emerelda  told her with anger.

Brystal turned around and went towards the door but Emerelda grabbed her wrist.

"You can't run from your problems, Brystal.." Emerelda said.

Brystal struggled to get free but finally got out of her grasps and left the room quickly. She felt tears swelling up in her eyes but quickly wiped them away.

Brystal needed to hide. She had to get away from the others, she didn't know what was going on. She kept thinking about what Emerelda said but how was this her fault? She had no idea what was happening!

She began speed walking through the halls but felt a splash of water on her head. She looked up but saw absolutely nothing. She was about to continue walking but felt her stepping into something..sticky? She looked down and saw honey splattered around her feet.

Tangerina and Skylene stood right in front of her with a grin. The two had no color at all, as well as Emerelda. Brystal looked at them but quickly reached in her pocket to grab her wand but felt nothing. Tangerina's bees took the wand from her pocket and gave it to Tangerina.  She threw the wand on the ground and stomped on it until it broke into pieces.

Brystal stood there, devastated. Now she was really in a sticky situation, Emerelda was probably coming after her. Brystal knew she had to give up, she had nothing.

But, she felt a hand reach for her arm and tried to pull her out with all their might. She turned around and saw Xanthous! He still had his colors but half of him was gray. He had finally got her out and signaled for her to leave.

Skylene quickly shot a water geyser towards him but he quickly dodged it.

Brystal didn't want to leave him here but she knew that they were all against her. She took this chance and ran out of the academy, she went towards the door with all her might but a leg stretched out to make her trip.

Emerelda stood there with a smile.


Brystal woke up in fear, she looked around but saw that she was in her bed. She was panting and felt sweat falling down her forehead.

She was relieved it was just a dream but quickly thought on why she had that nightmare. Was it the future or just a dream..?

A knock appeared on her door as her eyes looked towards the door.


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