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Starring The Main Character: Lucy Goose!

And Others: Brystal, Emerelda, Tangerina, Skylene, and Xanthous!

"You guys are boring!" Lucy exclaimed to the group.

The Fairy Council were currently examining the letters that they received from the townspeople. A whole stack of envelopes- or I mean multiple stacks of envelopes were scattered in the room they all were in. Everyone was done with Lucy talking their ears off while they wrote their responses back to the people.

"Or we're being responsible, could be wrong though." Emerelda told Lucy, being sarcastic at the last part.

"You should really help us out on this, Lucy." Xanthous said with a smile. "I'm sure the people would love to hear from you as well!"

But in response, Lucy made a fart noise with her mouth as he rolled his eyes and continued on what he was doing.

"Learn to be respectful for o-"

"Responsible, Skylene." Tangerina interrupted the water haired girl.

"You know, respectful could have worked since Lucy made a childish noise." Brystal chimed in.

"I'M GONNA RUN AWAY!" Lucy yelled out.

"No you won't." Emerelda said matter-of-factly causing Skylene to snicker.

"How do you know that, hmmmm?" Lucy questioned placing her hands on her hips.

"It's because you always have your baby tantrums," Tangerina rolled her eyes. "You say that but always come back crying and complaining on how much you're sorry."

"That is so facts." Skylene commented.

"What?" Xanthous said with a puzzled expression while facing Skylene's direction.

"Lucy, if you won't cooperate, then go find something to do." Brystal told her.

Lucy opened her mouth but Brystal talked over her.

"But, don't cause any crimes or illegal activities while we write back our responses to the townspeople." Brystal said like as if she could see right through Lucy.

"Dangit." Lucy grumbled as she walked away with her arms crossed.

Papers, papers, PAPERS? What's so cool about them? They're just tree blood but a different kind of form. You can draw on them, I guess. OH! You can also make paper planes, that's kinda coo-

"UGH, Lucy focus! You sound like a paper nerd!" She scolded herself as she hit her head.

Lucy stomped angrily as she skedaddled her way across the hallways of the academy, mumbling how fun she is or something like that. The Lucy was approaching the laboratory that usually Skylene, Xanthous, and Tangerina were usually in. You see, she wasn't really focusing on where she was going.

"Ouch, ruffle my feathers.." Lucy rubbed her head when she hit the tall metal door that stood in front of her.

"Do Not Enter..?" Lucy read out loud. "This room contains many deadly substances that could potentially kill any living forms."

But in this case, substances was spelled as "sudstanses" which made Lucy laugh. "Skylene definitely wrote this."

"Like Brystal said, I should really be more responsible." She sighed. "I'm part of the Fairy Council, I don't want to be known as a troublemaker. I want people to look up to me instead of being scared of little ol' me."

Lucy turned around and went to walk the other way, making the right decision. Soon, Brystal would nominate her with an award of responsibility. Every little kid would look up to her and ask for signatures. Lucy Goose would educate everyone about the power of responsibility and how to be safe. She would live up to have two kids and a lovable husband that she would grow old with.

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