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Characters Included: Brystal, Emerelda, Lucy, Xanthous, Tangerina, and Skylene!

I deeply apologize for not writing. Just personal stuff has been going on :)


Thank you so much for this request @thepastafan21 :)

But I might have changed a few things if that's okay with you, sorry!

In the academy, all the members were all in their own room. Surprisingly, it was peaceful. The peacefulness made Emerelda suspicious about this but to her surprise, nothing chaotic happened.

But, that's not who we're focusing on today. Brystal was smacking her wand against her palm, trying to get it to work. Every time she smacked it, sparkles would come out and vanish in thin air.

"C'mon work! Why must you not work at this exact moment?" Brystal mumbled to herself as if the wand will respond back.

No answer. As expected..

"Are you sick?" She asked the object.

No answer.

Brystal was even waiting for an answer but widened her eyes slightly as she facepalmed. "Did I really just have a conversation with a wand?"

She smacked it on her palm once again, she was expecting the wand to shoot out sparkles but that was not what exactly happened. A light shot out from the wand, a beam of light was heading up towards the ceiling as Brystal started panicking.

"ARE WE SUMMONING HEAVEN TO COME DOWN HERE OR SOMETHING?!" Brystal exclaimed with panic in her voice.

The room started lighting up, Brystal shielded her eyes from the light. But, that wasn't enough so she just covered her eyes as she closed her eyelids. It was like Brystal was getting closer and closer to the sun.

Suddenly, she didn't feel any light against her body. I mean, if that makes sense. Brystal opened one eye out to see if it stopped. She gasped as she opened both her eyelids to have a better view. Brystal was still in her bedroom and all but it wasn't the same the way she left it.

It was more gloomy. The walls were all grey and white with portraits of herself, but they were all glaring at Brystal. She felt like the portraits were staring into her soul. Even the air felt scary, it was dead silent. She could only hear her heart beating against her chest.

But, that all stopped as she jumped from the sudden noise. The door was slammed open to reveal Tangerina. Tangerina had a sweet and soft smile towards her.

"Hello Brystal, I love your new style! You look more colorful actually.." Tangerina said in a quiet voice.

"Tangerina?" Brystal asked with confusion.

Tangerina's face was filled with worry when Brystal mentioned her name.

"Are you okay? You're staring at me like if I'm a super star. Do you need water? Food? Or do you need comfort? Because, I am really good at that.." Tangerina walked up to her with worry on her face.

"I-I.." Brystal stuttered as she looked at Tangerina.

"Oh my pixies! Can you all just shut up for once?" A voice snapped out at the both of them.

The two turned around to look at a clearly angry Skylene. She was glaring daggers at each of them with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Sky! Loo-"

"It's Skylene to you. No one calls me nicknames around here, you got that?" Skylene interrupted Tangerina.

"I'm sorry.." Tangerina apologized as she looked away.

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