Sickness Madness

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Characters included: Xanthous, Skylene, Emerelda, Tangerina, Lucy, and Brystal!

Thank you anime_girl457_ for this request!

All week, Xanthous has been coughing and sneezing nonstop. Whenever he sneezed, fire would appear. Skylene always had to take it out with her magic.

"Xanny, are you okay? You have been sneezing like crazy!" Lucy asked.

Xanthous cringed by the nickname, "Yeah, I'm f-"

He let out a huge sneeze and fire appeared on the couch. Lucy hit the fire with her baseball bat as strong as she can.

"When did you get a baseball bat?" Brystal asked.

"You know, just in case.." Lucy shrugged.

But one day, Xanthous stayed in his room all day. He couldn't get out of bed and just stayed in his blanket. He would refuse to come to missions cause of how exhausted he was. So, Emerelda had to stay with him while the others were out.

Emerelda knocked before coming in the room. She peeked her head out and then went in.

"Do you need anything? Any water? Any medicines? Any soup? Cause I can give you soup if y-" Emerelda got interrupted though.

"Em, I'm fine.." he chuckled as he sniffled.

Suddenly, Xanthous let out a huge sneeze. It was like a flamethrower came out of him. Emerelda hair lit on fire from the sudden sneeze. But, thankfully she took it out.

"Yeahhh, I'm making soup." She left the room to make soup for him.

Xanthous wanted to leave his bed to play with his dolls but he was too exhausted to even move. He hasn't felt this bad before. So, he just looked up on the ceiling and sighed.

Emerelda came in with a bowl of soup in her hands. She set it on his bed and looked up at him.

"Can y-"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not feeding you.." Emerelda interrupted.

The two heard the door open, they looked over to see Tangerina and Skylene walk in and sit in the floor.

"You guys are back already?" Emerelda asked the two.

"Yeah, apparently the monster was just a sweaty man in a costume..." Tangerina answered.

"It was gross and the townspeople threw tomatoes at him. But, Brystal stopped them!" Skylene said.

"So, can we help you since you're here now?"

"We came to watch the action happen!" Skylene said.

"I'm just eating soup though.." Xanthous said.

"That's pretty epic, you gotta admit.." Tangerina spoke.

"No. No it really isn't.." Emerelda replied.

Xanthous looked at the two before eating his soup. It was like his eyes sparkled when he tasted the soup.

"I never seen someone that excited to eat soup before," Skylene said.

"The flavor must be magnificent. The taste must be chicken with a little of spice in it. Soup is not just liquid. But, a beautiful liquid.." Tangerina narrated.

"What are you? A chef?" Skylene looked her up and down.

"Well, I am quite a cook!" Tangerina says with confidence.

"Didn't Skylene, Xanthous and you make lasagna explode once?" Emerelda spoke.

"We don't talk about that.." Skylene and Tangerina said in unison.

Xanthous was listening to the whole conversation with a smile. He enjoyed his friends company. But, he looked sadly at his dolls. He really wanted to play with them..

Emerelda must have noticed and grabbed the dolls. She gave him them as Xanthous smiled with joy.

"You guys can play with me if you want.." He said to the three.

"But, you're sick.." Emerelda said but got ignored by them though.

"We would love to play with you!" Skylene exclaimed.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Tangerina smiled.

Xanthous looked at Emerelda with a smile of his own.

"How about you, Em?" He asked his friend.

Emerelda was going to deny his offer but hesitated.

"Sure, of course.." Emerelda replied.

The four played with his dolls together. They would laugh at the jokes they would make and smile. The four were having a great time with each other..

Brystal came in but saw Xanthous sleeping with the others. Emerelda was sleeping at the end of the bed, curled up. Skylene and Tangerina was sleeping on the back wall. Skylene's head was on Tangerina's shoulder as Tangerina had her head on Skylene's. Xanthous, of course, was on his bed sleeping peacefully. But, he must have woken up when he heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Brystal..?" He rubbed his eyes.

"I see that you guys had a great time.." Brystal smiled.

"We sure did!" He exclaimed but started coughing. Brystal patted his back to help.

"I think you should get some more sleep, Xanthous.." She said to him.

"I guess so.." He yawned as he got comfortable.

"Goodnight.." Brystal got her wand out to put blankets on the others.

"Goodnight, Brystal.." He fell into slumber.

Brystal smiled and left the room, silently. She closed the room and left to go to her room.

The next day, Xanthous felt a bit better then the day before. He would get out the room to lay on the couch. Skylene and Tangerina kept him company as well.

"How are you feeling?" Skylene asked.

"Feeling bette- ACHOO!" He sneezed as fire came out.

The whole couch lit on fire, the two looked terrified as they saw the whole thing happen.

"SKYLENE! DO SOMETHING!" Tangerina shouted.

"How?" Skylene asked.

"YOUR MAGIC!" Xanthous and Tangerina yelled out.

"Ohhh! Right!" She chuckled nervously.

She put her hands out and water came out of them. The water extinguished the couch but now it was all soggy.

"Ew.." Tangerina said.

"What do you mean by 'Ew...'?" Xanthous asked.

"It's soggy!" Tangerina said as if it was obvious.

"It's water!" Skylene yelled.

"WHY ARE WE YELLING?" Lucy yelled out louder.

"When did you get here?" Xanthous tilted his head.

"I heard yelling when I came out of my room so why not join with you guys?" Lucy shrugged.

"You're weird.." Tangerina said to herself.

"At least I'm not obsessed with bees!" Lucy said with a smirk.

"OH YOU!" Tangerina tackled Lucy to the floor.

Skylene and Xanthous looked at each other and wondered if they should stop them. But, they just filled the air with laughter instead.

Eventually, Emerelda and Brystal stopped the fight between the two. Let's just say that Tangerina and Lucy got in big trouble! Meaning, they had to go through a whole lecture.

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