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Starring The Main Character: Stitches!

And others: Pip, Bee-Bee, and Sprout!

Before you read this chapter, this is not based off real events and just for fun :D

The outside looked gloomier as usual. The trees were plain black with their plain and bare branches that held no leaves. The wolves howling the night away while all the creatures of the woods slept in slumber. The moon stood high above the clouds, guiding the path with its glowing spotlight.

Stitches looked out the window from her bed with her head on her knees, it was almost time for classes to start. The others were sleeping peacefully on their bed, dreaming of whatever they were thinking.

She sighed to herself, let's just say, she wasn't feeling the best at the moment. Lately she has bee-

"You can't escape the truth."

Stitches' eyes widened. That's what she has been hearing for the last week. Voices inside of her head kept torturing each day, it's what kept her awake at night. She tried to avoid the whispers as she shook her head.

"It's what Mistress Mara would have wanted."

Stitches felt tears come up to her eyes. "Don't bring her into this."

"Stitches?" Her head perked up by the mention of her name.

The lights flickered on as Stitches shielded her eyes and blinked constantly from the sudden light. She put down her hand to see the one who spoke out her name, revealing Sprout.

"You're talking to yourself again." Pip raised an eyebrow at her friend.

"I-Is everything o-okay?" Bee-Bee buzzed out.

Stitches let out her usual wide grin. "Why wouldn't I be? Just talking to my um, imaginary friend in that very shady corner!"

The others looked at the corner Stitches was talking about and saw a shadow of a dwarf.

"When in the world did that ugly troll get there?" Sprout questioned.

"That's a dwarf." Stitches corrected her.

"Same thing!" Sprout let her arms in the air.

Soon, one of Bee-Bee's jars of insects got thrown in the corner as spiders came crawling out.

"BEE-BEE! WHY WOULD YOU LET ALL THE POISONOUS SPIDERS OUT?" Stitches yelled out. "We're gonna need to clean up all their poo now.."

"Uh, Stitch? Spiders don't poo." Pip pointed out.

"Then, what's all that gooey stuff?" Stitches asked.

"Those are eggs, you idiot." Sprout told her, picking up a few eggs.

"N-No no, S-Stitches is correct! T-That is most definitely spider p-poo." Bee-Bee chimed in.

Sprout looked at her hand in horror. "So, you're telling me, I just touched a spider's poo?"

"H-Hypothetically speaking, yes." Bee-Bee happily buzzed.

Stitches gave an evil grin. "Lick it, Sprout. I triple dog dare you."

"Lick it off! Lick it off! Lick it off!" Pip cheered in along with Stitches. "C'mon, you ate a poisonous berry before! What's any different?"


"O-Okay guys, that's e-enough. Spider poo is seriously s-something you s-shouldn't lick." Bee-Bee buzzed.

Sprout sighed with relief. "Thank you, Bee-Bee."

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