Dress Up Party!

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Characters included: Skylene, Xanthous, Tangerina, and Lucy! (Lucky Appearance: Emerelda!)

Idea from: thepastafan21 ! Thank you for the suggestion!

Everyone was sleeping peacefully in the academy. Sunshine would shine through the windows, birds singing in the sky, and everyone was in their slumber. Well..not everyone..

Skylene and Tangerina both woke up with excitement. It was like they were the same exact person but in different bodies. Both of them rushed out of their rooms and bumped into each other.

"Skylene!" Tangerina exclaimed.

"Tangerina!" Skylene exclaimed as well.

"I had such an amazing idea for us to do!" Tangerina said with excitement.

"Me too! I woke up and had to tell you about the idea I had!" Skylene told her.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Tangerina asked.

Skylene nodded with excitement and looked like she was on a sugar rush.

"Okay, on three, we will tell each other what we are thinking." Tangerina said to Skylene, who nodded.

"1, 2, 3!"

"We should play dress up with Xanthous!"

"We should become fishes!"

Tangerina looked at her with a blank expression.

"Excuse me?" Tangerina asked.

"I mean, playing dress up with Xanthous is a great idea! That's what I was thinking!" Skylene lied with a nervous chuckle.

"What is up with you and fishes?" Tangerina rolled her eyes.

"I heard something about dress up?" A voice asked.

Tangerina and Skylene both looked around, curious who said that. Lucy came out of her room with a couple of chicken costumes.

"Is that a..chicken?" Skylene looked puzzled while looking at her.

"Duh! What else would it be?" Lucy said with a smile.

Tangerina and Skylene looked at each other and back at Lucy.

"Uh-huh.." Tangerina said with a blank expression.

"Well, what are we waiting for? C'mon!" Skylene took both of their hands and left with them to go to Xanthous' room.


The sunshine made Xanthous wake up from his slumber. He took off his metal blanket and looked at his dollhouse. He quickly grew excited and got out of bed to play with his dolls.

When he was about to pick them up he heard a knock on his door. He looked at it and walked towards the door to open it.

He saw Skylene, Tangerina, and Lucy standing there with a huge grin from ear to ear.

"You guys look like you're going to murder me or something-"

But before Xanthous could finish his sentence, the others dragged him to another room to play dress up.

Xanthous just decided to get dragged to whoever knows where. He watched as his room became farther and farther away.

They all finally reached this huge closet full of clothes. He looked around, curious what they were doing here.

"Xanthous, let's play dress up! It's not a choice!" Tangerina told him, who was clearly confused on what to do.


"Here are your chicken costumes, I'll see ya later." Lucy was about to leave but Skylene stopped her.

"You're not going to dress up with us?" Skylene asked.

Lucy started laughing and pointed at the chicken costumes.

"I'm not wearing those hideous thing!" Lucy said through her laughter.

"But, why did you-"

Lucy already slammed the door and left. Tangerina stared at the door for a few seconds but quickly looked back at the others.

"So, Skylene try to dress up as a princess!" Tangerina told her.

Skylene nodded and quickly got the best clothes that were fitted for a princess outfit. She went behind the curtain to change into her clothes she had chosen.

"So, we're just dressing up as a topic someone chooses?" Xanthous asked Tangerina.

"Yeah! That's basically it!" Tangerina exclaimed.

She swore she saw his eyes sparkle with excitement. His smile grew wider and became excited. He always wanted to play dress up with some people! Back at his old home, his father would be rude or tease him whenever he would play dress up on his own.

Skylene came out with a sky blue dress. Seashells were around the bottom and were purple that shimmered in the light. She wore a seashell crown with beautiful purple gems around it.

Tangerina and Xanthous both clapped for her as she bowed like a princess would.

"Bravo, very fancy Skylene!" Tangerina chuckled as well as Xanthous.

The three kept playing dress up with each other. They would laugh on how silly they all looked and would clap whenever someone actually had a great outfit. Xanthous burned the chicken costumes and Skylene took it out with water when the chicken costumes were no more. Everything was going smoothly then they expected.

"You know, I'm surprised that nothing bad is happening. Usually whenever we do something fun, something bad happe-" Skylene got interrupted by Xanthous yelling with fear.

"THE DRESS IS ON FIRE!! I REPEAT, THIS DRESS IS ON FIRE!" Xanthous ran around the room while Skylene shot the dress with a water geyser.

Tangerina was laughing while the whole thing happened. The other two stopped what they were doing and laughed with Tangerina. It was nice to finally have an afternoon with no fighting or anything troubling happening.

Emerelda had just woke and heard laughter in a particular room. She peeked her head in and looked at the three with a surprised look on her face. She thought they were acting like total toddlers but started smiling with joy. She closed the door and left with a smile on her face.

Eventually, Lucy went to see how they were doing but saw the chicken costumes ashes on the floor. The three looked at Lucy with a confused expression as she showed a angry face at them.

"What? I thought you hated the costumes?" Tangerina told her with a evil smile.

"You three are so going to pay for this!" Lucy jumped at them but the three quickly dodged it.

"RUN!" Xanthous yelled out.

The three were running around the academy with a scared expression on their faces. Lucy was chasing them as quick as she could. Most of the students looked confused on what was going on, some started laughing, and some were used to it by now.

But, the three started laughing with tears spilling on their cheeks from laughing too much.

(Wholesome chapter for all of you!)

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