The Mirror

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Characters included: Xanthous, Skylene, Emerelda!

Skylene and Xanthous were both outside, practicing their magic with each other. It was a fair fight! Well, not really..

Xanthous threw a fire ball towards Skylene direction. Water formed in Skylene's hand, she extinguished the fire ball with a confident smile. She started jumping with joy as Xanthous chuckled.

"The more I think about it, this is totally not fair! We are basically opposites! Water always extinguishes fire!" He exclaimed.

"Well, you will just have to believe in yourself. If you are determined and confident, then you can achieve anything! Anything is possible if you believe in yourself!" Skylene said proudly, looking in a certain direction.

Xanthous blankly looked at Skylene with a slight confusion on his face.

"When did you get so.. how do I say this. Well, inspirational? Why are you even looking away as if you're a president giving a inspirational speech?" He asked his friend who was giggling.

"I had a fortune cookie earlier! I read those exact same words and got inspired!" She exclaimed.

As Skylene was talking about who knows what, Xanthous saw something standing out at the doorway. He walked over and saw a mirror that showed his reflection.

"Skylene! I found something!" He yelled out while examining the mirror.

"Is it your confidence?" She yelled back.

"No!" He glared at Skylene. He was quite offended by her response.

Skylene walked over and noticed Xanthous holding a mirror. She could she both of their reflections looking right at them.

The mirror had gold carvings around it with beautiful flowers. A red gem was at the top with gold carvings.

Xanthous saw Skylene's eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Look, how pretty it is! It's gorgeous!" Skylene exclaimed, taking the mirror out of Xanthous' hands.

"Careful! We still don't know why it was at our doorway!" He told Skylene.

Skylene was too busy looking at herself to respond back to him. She did funny faces and made herself laugh. Xanthous liked seeing his friends happy but when he looked back at the mirror, Skylene looked totally different, like a villian...

Xanthous started worrying but noticed when Skylene looked back at the mirror, the reflection went back to her own self.

"Wait, let me see the mirror, Skylene." Skylene handed Xanthous the mirror.

Xanthous examined it more and had a idea.

"Skylene, look at my reflection when I look away. I promise you, it will surprise you." He told Skylene.

"Alright!" She paid attention to the mirror as Xanthous looked away.

Unlike what Xanthous saw, Xanthous looked way older and more confident then now.

"Woah! You look way different! You seem so confident then now!" She said to him.

Xanthous was confused on why she didn't mentioned him looking like a villian. His reflection changed but Skylene didn't say anything about a villain. She didn't even look scared!

"Huh, that's weird. You didn't see what I saw.." he said, looking at the mirror.

"What did you see then? Was I different as well?" Skylene questioned him.

"You looked evil. Like a villian.." Xanthous told her.

Skylene took this by surprise. Her being evil? She couldn't imagine harming people or causing destruction. Worry took over her face as Xanthous tried to think of a idea. He looked at the gem and knew exactly who they could talk to about.


"The gem on this mirror is a Ruby. The most powerful gem of all.." Emerelda told them as she examined more of the gem.

"Whenever the person is using the object looks away from the mirror, a different version of them is shown in the reflection." Xanthous informed Emerelda.

Emerelda was looking through one of Brystal's book. She was flipping each page but would stop whenever she saw something that describes a mirror. It took a while, but she stayed determined and kept looking.

Xanthous waited for Emerelda to find an answer for their mystery. While Skylene was thinking too much about her being evil. What did Xanthous see? What could she possibly look like? She had so many questions roaming in her head while the other two were trying to figure out what the mirror was.

"I think I found it! The mirror is called "The Mirror of Truth". It says here that "The Evil Queen has the mirror in her castle, hidden somewhere. The mirror shows one's true self when one stands before it." Emerelda told them as she was reading the description.

"The real question is, why was it at our doorstep..?" Xanthous told the others with a worried look.

"True self..?" Skylene asked.

Emerelda nodded with a worried look.

"Are you sure you saw a evil version of Skylene, Xanthous?" Emerelda asked him.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes!" Xanthous said to Emerelda.

"I'm a evil human being?!" Skylene yelled out.

(As you can tell from the last three chapters, Skylene is my favorite lmao)

(But, don't worry Skylene won't be in all of them lol)

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