Chapter 38

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"Is this their website?" Minju asked soon after she searched for the agency's website on a search engine. Its link instantly showed on top of the search results as she hesitantly clicked on the link.

"Looks like it is. I mean, the name Flower ent. is right there, on top of the website." said Y/N.

"Yup! It is! Look!" Chaewon pointed towards a man who seemed to be giving a speech towards a certain pack of audience.

"That's her father? Minju asked.


"How do you know that's him?"

"I did my research before. The night after Eunbi-unnie had told me about his father running such an agency, I searched him up online. And once I did, it showed that guy's picture. Well he looks older now, but i can still recognize him."

"So... what now?"

"I did say that we were gonna search up his address. And that's what we're gonna do." Minju opened up the About tab on the navigation bar as it opened up the agency's profile. Conveniently for them, it also showed a map pointing to their location. Y/N then noted down the address as he saved it onto his notes, before opening his map.

"It should be around... here."

"Should we go there right away? What're we gonna say to them once we arrive?"

"Maybe come up to them and say 'Yo. Is Eunbi-noona here?'"

"Oppa. This is an agency we're talking about here, not a house." Minju retorted.

"Sorry. I was kidding just now. But for real though, shouldn't we just come up and ask whether there's anyone that has the name Kwon Eunbi working there and stuff?"

"Well... it's not a bad idea. We could do that."

"What should we do once we found out that she's there?"

"The thing we should do is once we've met her, we would go out of the way and leave the both of you to talk things through, oppa. Since you're the one who's the most depressed out of all of us." Chaewon looked at the both of them with her mouth agape.

"Minju-ya. You knew?"

"I know. And i already cleared it out with Y/N-oppa earlier." Y/N laughed awkwardly seeing Minju saying it with a smile.

"Okay then, this is gonna get more awkward if we don't stop here. Let me do a recap. We're gonna go to the agency and ask for Eunbi-unnie. If she showed up, we'll leave her and Y/N-oppa to talk things through with her."

"And what if she's not there?"

"Then we'll regroup someplace else and talk things through on how we should search for her in this big city."

"Sounds like a plan."

Time skip

"Excuse me." Y/N said as he approached the receptionist with the two girls behind him.

"Yes? May I help you?"

"I was wondering if there's anyone working here that goes by the name of Kwon Eunbi?"

"Kwon Eunbi? May I know her current position?"

"Uh... I kind of forgot the position she said she's working as, but I definitely knew that she's working here."

"I see. This might take a while so could you please kindly wait for a few minutes? You may sit down by the waiting area as we're gonna do a thorough search for her name and position."

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